The Diacritic Signs حركات الشكل/ التَشْكيل

The Diacritic Signs  حركات الشكل/ التَشْكيل

The English term for writing the diacritic signs on Arabic texts is  called “vocalization”; a text that has such written signs is called a vocalized text. The Arabic terms for vocalization in common usage by Arabs today is حركات الشكل/ التَشْكيل  ‘to apply vowel and diacritic signs to a written text’. There is a total of 8 diacritical signs/marks in Arabic:

حركات الشكل/التشكيل: الفَتْحة ( َ)، الضَمّة( ُ) ، الكَسْرة( ِ) ، السُكون  (ْ)

هَمْزة القَطْع (ء ) ، هَمْزة الوَصْل(  ) ، الشَدَة ( ّ) ، المدّة (~)                  

As is well known, the diacritics including the short vowels are not provided consistently in Arabic textual materials, and most often are not provided at all  but have to be figured out from context by the reader, as in vocabulary items , such as حكم, which  can be determined as:

(“it was ruled, “he was judged”  حُكِمَ  , “arbiter, referee” حَكَمٌ  

 “wise sayings” حِكَمٌ / ”rule, reign, verdict, regimeحُكْمٌ   ”  )

 and  as in grammatical  function indicators mostly at the end of words  (such as signs for nominative etc. for  nouns, and indicative,  jussive etc. for verbs) ,  all in order to  understand  the content of sources  such as  newspapers and magazines, and in most books and other printed materials.

This makes the reading of such materials challenging.

However, it is essential to remember that providing the right diacritics,  lexical  and syntactic, including  case endings in reading aloud and in the use of MSA orally, is required and expected of  students at the advanced level and beyond.

In what follows, we describe, for review and implementation purposes, where and when in AMSAS we do not provide vowels or diacritics and where and when we do.




No Vocalization عَدَمُ  تَشْكيل الكلمات بالحَرَكات 

Vowel and diacritic signs are not provided in AMSAS where they are predictable, as in the following situations: 

(i) right before a تاء مَرْبوطة , where it is always a فَتْحة, as in سَنة، جُملة، دَيْمومة  

(ii) right before a long vowel, where the sign is the short vowel  corresponding to  the long vowel as in مَفاعِل، مَفْعول، مَفاعيل   

and (iii) in well-known and easily  retained nominal and verbal endings . 

In addition, in AMSAS:

  1. vowels and diacritic signs are also not supplied in the Reading Aloud sections (in Part Three of Lessons 1 – 15), which, however, have been recorded and are accessible on the website for students to practice reading aloud after listening to the recording.
  2. new vocabulary items, once introduced in a lesson are not vocalized in subsequent lessons.
  3. new, unfamiliar words, inserted for temporary usage and need, and vocalized in the Basic Texts or elsewhere, are continually vocalized and may rarely appear later without vocalization.
  4. no vowels or diacritics are provided in the lesson titles except on words which, though unfamiliar, are part of the new vocabulary items of that lesson, such as, for example the word أَدْمِغة in Lesson 20.

Vocalization الشَكْل /التشكيل بالحَرَكات 

In AMSAS we chose to provide diacritics to the following items in order to help in the process of  correct pronunciation, reading fluency and of comprehension. It is very important to learn and apply the following statements, which will help in the process of learning and raising consciousness of  what diacritics to use and apply both orally and in writing. Thus, first, full vocalization in all twenty lessons is provided on:

To be consistent, let us continue using the roman numbers  ….

(i) newly  introduced  vocabulary items (section B in Part One) and Cultural items (Section C in Part One),

(ii) unfamiliar vocabulary items, wherever they first occur,

 (iii) the titles of lexical and grammatical items in Part Two),

 (iv) Essential Vocabulary in Parts Five and Six (i.e., on words in the form they appear in the Reading and Listening Comprehension passages,)

and  on all items in Part Seven.

Furthermore, vocalization is also provided in many other cases throughout the book, as in what follows, for review and reinforcement purposes, and hopefully studied and learned:

 (i)  broken  plurals، صَناديقُ  (جَمْع التَكسير: مَساجِدُ  

(ii) new  triliteral verbs and their verbal nouns:

    عَمِلَ يَعْمَلُ عَمَلٌ؛ نَفَعَ  يَنْفَعُ نَفْعٌ ؛ صَعِدَ يَصْعَدُ صُعودٌ

(iii) verbs of Form IV(أفعل)  and their verbal nouns                      أَسْعَدَ يُسْعِدَ إسْعادٌ  

(iv) passive verbs and participles اُسْتُعْمِل يُسْتَعْمَل مُسْتَعْمَل

(v) newly introduced Arabic proper nouns. إحْسان عَبْد القُدّوس

 (vi) to  help eliminate ambiguities, as in:

 أعْطَوْني ‘they gave me’ versus أعْطوني ‘give me!’ (pl.) 

and يُحْزِنُني (‘he/it saddens me’ versus يُحْزِنّني ‘they ( sadden me’

(vii)  in many cases, with final weak verbs in the jussive and with no apparent subject marker or with no object pronouns provided , as in:      

، ‘he did not exclude’ لم يَسْتَثْنِ    

‘he did not expect/wish’ لم يَرْجَ               

                                 ‘he did not give’ لم يُعْط       

(viii) adding   هَمْزة القطع  (ء) which, unlike    همزة الوصلis pronounced wherever it occurs, at the beginning , in the  middle, and  the end of words, to distinguish it from   همزة الوصل which usually occurs  at the beginning of verb forms 7,8,10  and their verbal nouns or at the ‘alif  of the definite article  when preceded by a noun, as in the following examples:

همزة القطع: جاء ، سماء – أوطان ،إسلام  – سأل ، سؤال ، مشيئة  –  شيئ  ، مجيئ

                             همزة الوصل: انصرف –انصراف ، استقبل – استقبال ، كتابُ الطالب

This practice is often ignored by many learners influenced by the colloquial who always wrongly pronounce it and write it like   hamzat  al-qat’ . 

In fact, most Arabic keyboards lack a key sign for  hamzat al-waSl and the situation thus requires careful observation and application.

For  further  review, look in AMSAS   for other examples of  القطع  همزة,  and practice pronunciation and correct written MSA form.  Also for reinforcement purposes, it is useful to read the section on همزة القطع in the book by Ron Buckley pp.11-18  and  in El said Badawi  pp, 11-15  [1]. and also check Google for detailed information about همزة القطع وهمزة الوصل (من حيث النطق والكتابة) with ample examples.

(x) The diacritical sign  الشَدَّة ( ّ) is placed  on ياء النِسْبة ( يّ)   )at least in the first fifteen lessons)  as in  وَطَنِيّ  patriotic, nationalistic, native, indigenous …) in order to   reinforce its use for students who delete it in MSA, as they do  in colloquial Arabic. It is also most often provided on Form II verbs فعّل  , , and on Form V verbsتَفَعّل   and their verbal nouns, as in تَعَلُّق   علّقَ،  تَعَلَق.  

(xi) The diacritics الشَدَّة والهَمْزة   are placed onأنَّ/إنَّ/أنْ/ إنْ  in Part One of the first five lessons (the new vocabulary section and  the  Basic Text), but not always  beyond Lesson Five, as a reminder and reinforcement of the proper usage of an  important syntactic and lexical written and spoken  item that is frequently incorrectly used and mispronounced even by native speakers.

  (xii) In AMSAS  المَدَّة : (آ)  is always provided and never omitted, as in:

 قُرْآن ، آثار ، آمال ، مآسي، آلاف

Specific Diacritics ( بعض الضَوابِط المُعَيّنة الأُخرى ) 

(1)  فتحتان   “nunation”  is  also provided, such as at the end of words that end in ‘alif  ( (ا  as in: شكراًً  كثيراًً، قائلاًً، شيئاً or ‘alif  maqSuura  (ى) ألف مَقْصورة  or the vowel (ي) as in    مستشفىً ، مبنىً .

(ii) In addition, we provided   كسرتان   “ nunation” to nouns ending in ي with only two case endings and not three : فَتْحَتان  in the accusative and  كَسْرَتان in the nominative and the genitive , such as :

قاضي (قاضٍ – قاضياً)  ‘judge’ مُحامي (مُحامٍ – مُحامِياً  ‘lawyer’مُحامون  

 (iii)  vocalizing  الأسْماء الخَمْسة   (أبٌ، أخٌ، ذو، فو،حمو  ) with their various  forms where ever they occur.

For other details on these words, their forms, and various meanings,  consult   a dictionary or the other   references given  above.

A final note:  A review of the new vocabulary items and expressions in the book, which  are fully vocalized, and practicing again  and  again the task of providing appropriate vowels and diacritics in AMSAS and in  the  assignments students worked on, as well as re-reading the relevant notes in EMSA and IMSA, and the sources that deal with what they find in the references provided at the end of Part VI above such as  Rumelhart, Krashen,  Buckley, and Badawi,  are all strategies that can contribute to increased understanding of  the tasks  to be done and are considered fundamental in second language acquisition.















هجرة الأدمغة

مقابلة مع الدكتور طه حسين

خمسة نماذج من الشعر العربي الحديث

أغنية قصيدة: إذا الشعب يوما أراد الحياة
لقاء مع الشاعرة فليحة حسن
أغنية قصيدة لست أدري
أغنية قصيدة كلمات

سنة طويلة كاملة

:.  اسئلة مباشِرة وغير مباشِرة ‘Direct and Indirect Questions’

As you well know, questions may be direct or indirect. The basic differences between them is that the former is a direct quotation of what one tells an addressee  and  is an independent unit, whereas the latter is a reported form of language and is an inseparable part of a sentence. The Basic Text in this lesson contains a number of instances where questions are asked and whose nature, at least to a speaker of English, is not clear. Thus, it is important to ask what the differences are between direct and indirect questions in Arabic, what differences there are between English and Arabic in this respect, and how one forms indirect questions in Arabic.

Direct and indirect questions in English differ with regard to tense of the verb, order of words, and in written English, punctuation, where direct questions usually follow a colon or a comma and are between inverted commas. No such differences exist in Arabic: the question is merely attached to the main sentence and punctuation is erratic and inconsistent, to the point of breaking up a complete sentence, as can be readily seen in the Basic Text, which is reproduced here mostly as is, to be as close to ‘authentic’ as possible.

In Arabic one can tell for sure that the question is direct when it contains  ضمير المخاطب ‘second person pronoun’, but that’s it. Thus,

سأله الطبيب اين معدتك can only mean ‘The doctor asked him: “Where is your stomach”, whereas سألني الطبيب اين معدتي could mean ‘The doctor asked me where my (or the doctor’s) stomach was’. The use of the proper punctuation would of course disambiguate the issue, but to tell the difference one would have to rely on the context.

How does one form indirect questions in Arabic?

There are basically two types of question words that we have to deal with: one requires a yes-or-no answer (and these are ( ا ، هل , and the other, typically ‘who, what where, why and how’, cannot be answered with a yes or no, but requires some statement in response. In Arabic, the verb determines what type and kind of question follow it (for example  ذكر ‘remember’ may not be followed by a yes-or-no question, but  لا يذكر ‘he does not remember’ can; similarly ذكر ‘mention’ may not be followed by a yes-or-no question but  لا يذكر/لم يذكر ‘he does not/did not remember’ can) and what changes, if any, need to be made in the question. In general the following verbs are followed by a direct or indirect question:  سأله ‘to ask s.o., inquire from s.o.’ and  تساءل ‘to wonder, ask oneself’, عرف  ‘know’ ,  علم ‘know’, ذكر  ‘remember’,  فهم  ‘understand’, درى  ‘know, come to know’,أخبره ‘inform, tell s.o.’, and others. Here are examples:

سألني لماذا ادرس العربية؟                         He asked me why I studied Arabic.

بدأت اتساءل هل من حل ّ لهذه المشكلة؟           I began to wonder whether there could be any solution to the problem.

سألوني ايّـُهما أفْضَل؟           They asked me which of the two was better.

سألوني ايّـَهما أفَضِّل؟           They asked me which of the two I preferred.

لا اعرف ماذا حصل                                I do not know what happened.

لم نفهم لماذا يتصرّفون بهذا الشكل                 We did not understand why they behaved in this way.

اذكرتماماً كيف وصلن الى هذه النتيجة             I remember very well how they reached this conclusion.

لست ادري من اين جئت ولا الى اين امضي       I do not know where I came from and where I am going.

As can be seen there is a question mark even in indirect questions, and there are no changes in the question when following these verbs, whether it is a yes-or-no question or not; also, there seems to be less and less restrictions on the use of both kinds of questions with all verbs, most probably under the influence of Western languages. However, two points need to be made:

1. Arabic does have other means of embedding yes-or-no questions, i.e. making them indirect questions:

a. adding an alternative question with the coordinator  أمْ  ‘or’ and even أو ‘or’; the alternative question may also be the implied sentential word  لا ‘or not?’. Thus,

لم يعد يعرف هل يضحك أمْ يبكي؟                 He no longer knew whether to laugh or to cry.

لست أدري أأنت معنا أمْ علينا؟                     I do not know whether you are for us or against us.

أخبرني هل تزوّجت كريمة أمْ لا؟      Tell me whether you married Karima or not.

b. using the conditional particles  إذا  (as was noted in Grammar 2 above) or  إنْ with the meaning of ‘whether’. Thus,

لا اذكر إن كان قد مات ام لا/ام قد اختفى.          I do not remember whether he died or not/whether he died or disappeared.

سألتها اذا كان عندها وقت للراحة والاستجمام.     I asked her whether she had time for …

أجابت انّها لا تعرف اذا كان هذا ممكناً لإمرأة مثلها. She responded that she did not know whether that was possible for a woman like her.

2. What happens when the question is preceded by a preposition?

a. The question words are other than yes-or-no. These are of two kinds:

1) The interrogative pronouns مَن   ‘who’, ما   ‘what (thing)’, أيّ  ‘which one(s)’, and  كم ‘how many’. With these, no changes in the question take place. In the case of  منْ  and  ما , the combined form of these and the preposition that we find in questions is used, except that the full form of  ما  is used in embedded questions. Thus,

لا اعرف من أيِّ مدينة هو       I do not know which town they are from.

سألته بكم سيارته                                    I asked him how much his car was for.

لا أدري عمّا يتحدّثون            I do not know what they are talking about.   

2) The other (non yes-no) question words. Here the situation varies:

أين can be used with مِن and الى only

متى  can be used withالى     and مُنْذُ

ماذا can be used with بِ،  مِنن  عن، الى، على، في،  لِ  , though it is considered more correct to use the pronominal form  ما.

لماذا  and   كيف  cannot be used after a preposition. In embedded situations, the nouns  السبب ، الغرض، الهدف  ‘reason, purpose, goal’  and  كيفيّة ‘manner’ , respectively, can be used.

لم يخبرني لماذا ترك الجامعة                       He did not inform me why he quit the university.

لم يخبرني عن سبب تركه الجامعة                 He did not tell me the reason why he quit the university.

b. The question is yes-or-no.

Here the conditional particle  اذا is used preceded by ما

افكّر فيما اذا كنت استطيع ان أفعل ذلك             I am thinking over whether I can do that.

أخبرْني عمّا اذا كنت في بيروت حينئذٍ             Tell me whether you were in Beirut at the time.

1. The verbs سأله  ‘to ask s.o., inquire from s.o.’ and  تساءل ‘to wonder, ask oneself’, take questions of all kinds for objects.

سألني لماذا ادرس العربية؟

بدأت اتساءل هل من حل ّ لهذه المشكلة I began asking if there is a solution to this problem.

سألوني ايّـُهما أفْضَل؟

يسألونني كم طالباً يدرس العربية؟

تساءلنا كيف توصّل الى هذه النتيجة؟

2. Verbs like  عرف  ‘know’ ,  علم ‘know’, ذكر  ‘remember’,  فهم  ‘understand’, درى  ‘know, come to know’,أخبره   ‘inform, tell s.o.’ and others also take questions for objects.

a. with question words other than yes-or-no questions. The question follows the verb directly as a clause, with no changes in it.

لا اعرف ماذا حصل

لم نفهم لماذا يتصرّفون بهذا الشكل

اذكرتماماً كيف وصلن الى هذه النتيجة

لست ادري من اين جئت ولا الى اين امضي

b. with yes or no questions. Here several ways are possible:

1) adding an alternative question using the coordinator  أمْ  ‘or’ and even أو ‘or; the alternative question may be an implied sentential word  لا ‘or not?’

لم يعد يعرف هل يضحك أمْ يبكي؟

لست أدري أأنت معنا أمْ علينا؟

أخبرني هل تزوّجت كريمة أمْ لا؟

سواء لديهم أأنذرتهم …

2) using the conditional particles  إذا  or  إنْ with the meaning of ‘whether’

لا اذكر إن كان قد مات ام لا/ام قد اختفى.

سألتها اذا كان عندها وقت للراحة والاستجمام.     I asked her whether she had time for …

أجابت انّها لا تعرف اذا كان هذا ممكناً لإمرأة مثلها. She responded that she did not know whether that was possible for a woman like her.

When the question is preceded by a preposition, here again two situations arise:

a. question words other than yes-or-no question. These are of two kinds:

(i) with the nominal question words مَن   ‘who’, ما   ‘what (thing)’, أيّ  ‘which one(s)’ and  كم ‘how many’, no changes take place. In the case of  منْ  and  ما , the combined form of these and the preposition that we find in questions  is used, except that the full form of  ما  is used in embedded questions. Thus,

Preposition                                 Pronoun

                                    مَن                                 ما

                                                      Independent          Embedded

بِ                                  بِمَن                       بِمَ                         بِما

مِن                                 مِمّن                       مِمَّ                         مِمّا

عن                                عَمَّن                      عمَّ                        عَمّا

الى                                 ْالى مَنْ                          إلامَ                       على ما



لِ                                  لِمَن                       لِمَ                         لِما                       

(ii) with the other question words. Here the situation varies; here are some brief comments:

أين can be used with مِن  الى 

متى  can be used withالي   

ماذا can be used with بِ  مِن  عن الى على في لِ  , though it is considered more correct to use the pronominal form  ما.

لماذا  and   كيف  cannot be used after a preposition. In embedded situations, the nouns  السبب ، الغرض، الهدف    and  كيفيّة , respectively, can be used.

1. Indirect questions with other than yes-no answers.

In one case, however, changes must be effected.

a. Some verbs that take questions for subject or object may require a specific preposition. If such prepositions are used, changes are required with some question words. For example for verb سأل may be followed take question words for object, but it requires the preposition عن with other objects.

سواء لديهم أأنذرتهم …

العرب في المهجر الأمريكي

مدينة ديربورن مدينة عربية على أرض أمريكية
أعطني الناي وغنِّ

 المفعول لأجله   ‘Accusative of  Purpose’

How do we express cause, reason, motive, intention, purpose, in Arabic, or in other words, what constructions do we use to answer questions with لمَ ، لماذا ?

There are various ways of expressing reason and purpose in Arabic.

1. One is by means of prepositions, most commonly   لِ   and  من :

كثيرون ماتوا من الجوع والألم                     Many died of hunger and pain.

فعلت ذلك من أجل العائلة         I did this because/for the sake of the family.

اريد ان أراك لأمر هامّ        I want to see  for something important.

2. Another way is by means of the particles that govern verbs in the subjunctive such as  كي , لكي , and  حتّى   with the meaning of ‘for the purpose of, in order to’ ( see lesson 11 Grammar Note 2), and السببية  الفاء ‘and so, with the intended goal, as a consequence’ (see Note 4 in this lesson), and by the particle  ل ِ ‘in order’. This last in addition to being  followed by a verb in the subjunctive, like the others, may, unlike them,  be followed by a noun clause with انْ  و أنّ, and as such may also be followed by a verbal noun , as seen in the examples in the left column below where no verbal nouns  follow the others).

حضر حتّي/كي / ليطلب العلمَ = حضر لطلب العلمِ         He came in order to seek knowledge.

حضر حتّي/لكي/  ليستعدّ للامتحان = للاستعداد للامتحان  He came to get ready for the exam.   

حضر لانّه خاف من الوضع = لخوفه من الوضع          He escaped out of fear of the situation.

يتنقّل البدو ليسعَوا وراء الماء = للسعْيِ وراء الماء         The Bedouins move about to seek water.      

حضرحتّي/لكي/ ليدرس =  حضر للدراسة                 He came in order to study.

حضر لأني طلبتُ المساعدة =  لطلبي المساعدة            He came because I asked for help.

3. A third very common way to express purpose or reason is to use an indefinite مصدر  in the accusative (such as in the examples below on the right), a construction you are familiar with and may know as  مفعول لأجله , called in English grammars of Arabic ‘accusative of purpose’.

                                                                        المفعول لأجله      

حضر  ليطلب العلمَ = حضر لطلب العلمِ                    حضر طلباً للعلم

حضر ليستعدّ للامتحان = للاستعداد للامتحان              حضر استعدادا للامتحان

حضر لانّه خاف من الوضع = لخوفه من الوضع          حضر خوفاً من الوضع

                                    He escaped out of fear of the situation.

\يتنقّل البدو ليسعَوا وراء الماء/للسعْيِ وراء الماء           حضروا سعياً وراء الماء

حضر ليدرس =  حضر للدراسة                                     —

He came in order to study.

حضر لأني طلبتُ المساعدة =  لطلبي المساعدة                     —-

He came because I asked for help.

Observations concerning  المفعول لأجله

  1. You will observe that there is no  مفعول لأجله in two examples above. Why? In the first sentence before last the verb or  مصدر,  درس – دراسة  does not belong to the semantic class of verbs that has to do with perception, feeling, desire, mental activity etc., referred to in Arabic as  افعال القلوب . In other words only with such verbs can we form and use  مفعول لأجله .
  • But why can’t we use  مفعول لأجله  in the last  sentence above where we do have one such verb ? Well, in examining the sentences where we can use مفعول لأجله , we note that the subject of the verb in the main clause must be the same as that of the  مصدر  , whether صريح  او  مؤوّل ; in the last sentence  above they are not. It would have been possible  had it been  حضرتُ لأني طلبتُ المساعدة where we could haveللمساعدة   حضرتُ طلباُ
  • When المصدر  has an object, that object  must be preceded  by the preposition  لِ ,  as in  طلباً للعلم  in the second sentence above

With very few examples given by some grammarians,  المفعول لأجله is most commonly indefinite accusative in MSA and cannot therefore form an إضافة   with its object.

  • When the object of the verb from which the  المصدر is derived must be preceded by a specific preposition, that  preposition is retained, as in

الوضع  خوفاً من in the fifth sentence above, and in بحثا ً عن الماء ‘in search of water’.

 (iii)  المفعول لأجله   can appear in first position in the sentence, hence before the main clause:

استجابة ً لطلب الشعب صرّح أنّ …       In acquiescence to the people’s demands, the minister declared…

  • Only one occurrence of  المفعول لأجله can be allowed in succession, unless of course we use  و.  Thus, the following is not a well-formed sentence:
    *حضر طلباً للعلم  استعدادا للامتحان     (no translation is provided or needed)

but the following is of course acceptable :

حضر طلباً للعلم  واستعدادا للامتحان     (here again no translation is provided or needed)

  • المفعول لأجله can be used, especially in journalistic and media discourse, in first position in the sentence, hence before the main clause:

استجابةً لطلب الشعب صرّح الوزير أنّ …  In acquiescence to the peoples’ demand     the minister declared …

It will be very useful for review and other purposes to compare المفعول لأجله with other constructions such as حال، نعت، خبر، تمييز  with respect to their constructions,  their occurrence as series, their position in the sentence and so on 4. A number of expressions, mostly prepositional phrases, consisting of a preposition followed by nounsthat mean reason, cause, purpose, intention etc. in an اضافة with a ,  مصدر صريح او مؤوّل have come to be widely used in Modern  Standard Arabic to express purposive ideas. The following are of very common occurrence:   

بغرض ‘with the goal of’, بسبب ‘for the reason that’, بهدف  ‘with the goal to’,

على نـِيـّةِ/بـِنيـّة أنْ   ‘with the intention to’, بقـَصْد  ‘with the intent to’.

Some expressions, which are verbal nouns  have even come to be used without the preposition and in the accusative. These include: قصدَ ‘with the intent to’, بُغـْيـَة َ ‘with the aim of’,   خِـَشْية َ  ‘out of  fear that’, ابْتِغاءَ  ‘for the purpose of, with aspiration for’   مَخافة’for fear of, lest’. These  purposive expressions are very often followed by verbal nouns and/or noun clauses, in an إضافة , a construction  which is very rare as given above and almost confined to them.  

فعل ذلك بُغـْيـَة َ وضع ِ أساس ٍ للمفاوضات                  He did that with the desire of  establishing  a basis for negotiations.

حضر قصدَ/بقَصْدِ إرضاء والديه.                                    He came with the intention of pleasing his parents.


a. الجملة الرئيسيّة      The main clause.

In the examples we have seen so far, the main clause modified by a  حال  had (i) a noun or noun phrase to which       حال     referred, called  صاحب الحال  ‘antecedent’ and (ii) a verb that it was concurrent with, called its  عامل  ‘regent’. This is most often, but not always, the case.

1. الجملة الرئيسيّة بدون صاحب  main clause with no antecedent

We earlier discussed the case where there was no  صاحب  in the main clause ,  as in the following and similar examples:

دخل الجنود المدينة وقد حلّ الظلام.                The soldiers entered the city, darkness having fallen.

In lesson 11 and in this lesson, there are other examples of main clause with no antecedent:

ومرّت الأيام وسلوى تكتب الى أهلها …            Days passed,with Salwa writing to her parents..

ومرّت خمس سنوات والكتاب لم يطبع.             Five years have passed without the book being printed.

As can be noticed, the main clause refers to the passage of time, in which a صاحب    is not present but is implied, for example سلوى  in the first example and the author of the book, 

“هي”  in the Basic Text.  Such examples, with main clauses that are time clauses, are very frequently encountered.

2. الجملة الرئيسيّة بدون صاحب وبدون عامل  main clause with no antecedent  or regent

Here is example:

منذ سنوات وانا ابحث عن عمل.                    For (“since”) five years I have been looking for work.

In this sentence neither  صاحب  nor  عامل  are mentioned; in fact instead of a main clause, we have a time expression which serves as the time frame for الحال.

And finally,

3. الجملة الرئيسيّة وبدون عامل  main clause with no regent

This is the case where the main clause is a verbless existential clause:

اخي في أمريكا يدرس الهندسة.   My brother is in America, studying engineering.

هناك صدبق حميم في المستشفى يبحت عن علاج. There is a good friend in the hospital looking for a cure

عندنا ضيوف أعِزّاء ينتظرونك.                    We have dear guests at home waiting for you.

b. جملة حالية فعلها فعل ماضٍ    حال  clause with past tense verb

Consider the second sentence above:

ومرّت خمس سنوات والكتاب لم يطبع.             Five years have passed without the book being printed.

1) We saw that in the case of a verbal حال   clause with the verb in الماضي , the verb, preceded by قد  , should come in first position. We have here another example of the trend to use subject in first position. As pointed out earlier this is becoming more common.

2) حال  is in the negative, andقد   is obligatorily deleted, unless it is preceded by   كان  .

Compare the following two sentences:

مات رئيس النادي ولم أتشرّف بمقابلته.           

The president of the club died without my having the honor to meet him.

اجتمعنا أمس ولم أكُن قد قابلته من قبل.

We got together yesterday, with me not having met him before.


عِلماً بِأنَّ...  ‘given that, it being understood that, with the understanding that…’  

Uses of  الواو ‘waw’

This particle is very commonly used and we are quite familiar with the most frequent of its uses as a coordinating conjunction par excellence العطف واو and as a subordinator in the case واو الحال . It is important to remember that  العطف واو  coordinates syntactically similar  or functionally equivalent constructions: two noun phrases, two verbs, two nominal sentences, two verbal sentences, two imperatives, a noun clause and a verbal noun equivalent, etc. It thus contrasts with the other very familiar particle واو الحال , for which see (Lesson 1, GRAMMAR NOTE 1, Lesson 11, GRAMMAR NOTE  1, and this lesson GRAMMAR NOTE  2 earlier).

Two further uses of  الواو

1. واو المعيّة ‘the waw of accompaniment’, an example of which occurs in this lesson, meaning a thing which accompanies some action or with which an action is done, and is also called ‘the waw of association, concomitance’. It is followed by a noun in the accusative with the meaning of  مع ‘with’, hence the name المفعول معه  ‘the object in connection with which something is done’:

سِرت والبحرَ.                 I walked alongside the sea.

عدتُ وإياه الى المدينة .         I returned to town with him.

لا تتّفق والمبادئ َ العاليةَ.       It is not in agreement with high moral principles.

This construction occurs with a limited number of verbs, most of which imply accompaniment such as having alongside, agreeing with, in conformity with, reciprocity, and such, and in expressions such as

وما شأنُك و/ما لك ‘what have you to do with’ and in sayings such as:

كل شيء وثمنَه.    Everything has its price.


2. واو القسم ‘the waw of oath’. It is followed by a noun, usually a noun of reverence , the object sworn by, in the genitive:

هو واللهِ ليس أهلاً بهذا الترحيب.    He, I swear, is not worthy of this welcome.

الفاء كحرف معنى   The particle   ف

This particle has a number of meanings in Arabic, most of which you are familiar with, except perhaps for the following:

a. Causal ف   or ، فاء السبب ، فاء الجواب  فاء السببيّة

This is used to express the result, effect, or intended goal of the preceding clause, and thus has the meaning of  حتّى 

لا اريد ان اذكر بعضهم فأُغْضِبَ البعض الآخر.   I do not want to mention some of them only to anger the others.

It follows clauses that express a hope, wish or desire, are imperative in nature, or ask a question. It is followed by a verb in the subjunctive   مضارع منصوب  . Here are other examples:

اضحكْ فتضحكَ لك الدنيا. ا

سِر مع الله فتهونَ المصاعب.

يا ليت عندي مال فاتبرّعَ به للمصابين.

ألا تأتينا فتُخبرَنا بما حصل.

Notice the nuance in meaning in the following:

اضحكْ فتضحكَ لك الدنيا     Laugh so that the world can laugh with you.

اضحكْ فتضحكُ لك الدنيا       Laugh and the world will laugh with you.

and compare them with:

اضحكْ فتضحكْ لك الدنيا     If you laugh, the world will laugh with you.

 and also between:

ألا تأتينا فتُخبرَنا بما حصل    Won’t you come so as to tell us what happened.

ألا تأتينا فتُخبرُنا بما حصل    ’Won’t you come and tell us what happened?’

         b. فاء  as  حرف عطف  (coordinating conjunction)

It coordinates phrases and sentences always in a sequential (spatial, temporal or logical) manner:        

عبرت المستشفى فالجامعة الأمريكية فالموسكي   I went through the hospital, then the American University, then the Muski.

الحياة تمرّ بسرعة: الولادة فالطفولة فالمراهقة فالشباب فالكهولة فالشيخوخة فالموت، قلّما تزيد عن السبعين.

Life goes on fast; birth, then childhood, puberty, adulthood, maturity, old age, and death, rarely beyond the seventies.

         c. With Topic-Comment sentences  امّا …. ف                                     

 You have seen a number of these in the course of this book and its predecessor (see Lesson 3, GRAMMAR NOTE 4

         d.    عاد   ف   ‘once again’                           

This construction (see Lesson 1, Lexical Note 4) expresses the idea that what follows  ف   is a repeat of what has elliptically   taken place before:

عُدنَ فأظهرن استياءَهنّ من هذه الأوضاع.  They once again showed their         disappointment at what was happening

This can be expressed with a  و   instead of   ف   or by the expression  عدن  الى  followed by aمصدر    construction.

عُدنَ وأظهرن استياءَهنّ من الأوضاع

عُدنَ الى إظهار استيائِهنّ من الأوضاع

         e. in indirect commands  (see Lesson 14 GRAMMAR NOTE 1)                 

These are usually performed with a prefixed  لام الأمر  in 3rd and 1st person situations, which is preceded by  ف  meaning ‘then’.

فَلْنعمَلْ  جاهدين              Let us then work assiduously.

من له أُذن  فَلْيَسمعْ           Whosoever has ears, let him hear!

         f. in conditional sentences                          

The particle  ف   is attached in many conditional sentences to  جواب الشرط ,  ‘apodosis’ or result clause, which is an equational sentence, a clause with  إنّ, the future particle سَ ، سوف ,  an interrogative word, or an imperative:

إن جاع عدوّكَ فأطْعِمْه وإن عطش فاسْقِه           If your enemy hunger, feed him, and if he thirst, give him to drink.

إن فسد الملح فبماذا يُملّح     If  salt loses its flavor, what would be used for salting

اذا فعلت ذلك فانك ستندم                            If you do this, you will regret it.

Actually, the following rule covers all the above cases and all others:  if the result clause does not begin with a perfect tense verb then it must begin with ف.” 

The particle also is frequently used to reinforce the verbal sentences in the ‘protasis’or the conditional clause containing the conditional particle  جملة الشرط

فإن لم تكن هذه لي فلمَن تكون؟ So if this is not mine, then whose can it be?

         g.  ف introduces a  clause as an explanation or reason for what came before:

كان عليها ان تطلب إذنَه فهو ابوها ومعينها        She had to ask his permission for he was her father and her helper.

            h. following adverbials and constructions that refer to earlier discourse, to mean ‘so, it follows that, hence’:

ولذلك، فإنّ الوضع قد تحسّن ولا حاجة للخوف    For this reason, (it follows that) the situation has improved and there is no need to be afraid.

Here are some of these adverbials and constructions:

(i) sentential demonstratives

بناءً على ذلك، فضلا عن ذلك، علاوة على ذلك، على ذلك، عدا ذلك، مع ذلك، من اجل ذلك،

والى جانب هذا، مع هذا،

(ii) other adverbials

من هنا، ،بالنسبة ل، وبالتالي ، فيما يتعلّق على سبيل المثال، ومن ثمّ،

وعل كل حال،

ضمير الفصل  ‘the separating pronoun’ and  ضمير الشأن  ‘the ‘redundant or dummy pronoun’

  1. ضمير الفصل  ‘the separating pronoun’

You are familiar with ضمير الفصل ‘the separating pronoun’ that is inserted in a verbless sentence after  a definite subject to signify that  a predicate follows and not an attributive, even one  starting with the article ال, as in هذا هو الملك ‘This is the king’, and to remove the possibility of ambiguity to be found  in هذا الملك. This independent pronoun agrees with its referent in gender and number.

The ambiguity often appears in sentences after  كان orانّ : Thus,

كانت هذه القوانين السارية المفعول في مثل هذه الحالات., is ambiguous, and can be disambiguated in the following manner:

كانت هذه هي القوانين السارية المفعول في مثل هذه الحالات.

These were the laws that were applicable in such cases.  OR

كانت هذه القانون هي  السارية المفعول في مثل هذه الحالات.

These laws were the ones that were applicable in such cases.

It is worth pointing out that this ‘separating pronoun’ also occurs in many examples for emphasis even where it is not needed as in:

امريكا هي عالمه الجديد.                    It is America (and not something else) that is his new world.

إنّ هذه ليست هي الكلمة الأخيرة في الموضوع.              This in itself is not the last word on the subject.

It is also useful to bring to our attention that the case endings in many cases clear the ambiguity; however, as is well known, in most cases in MSA nowadays, case endings are not written and neither are they pronounced.

2 ضمير الشأن  ‘the ‘redundant or dummy pronoun’  also referred to as ضمير القصة ‘pronoun of the story or of the fact’.

This pronoun, most often in the 3rd m.s. , is inserted after إنّ، أنّ، كأنّ، لكنّ   to make it possible to put in first position the verb of the clause that follows it, which is often preceded by an adverbial, and thus to anticipate the ‘story’ or ‘the fact’, and hence to serve as an anticipatory pronoun.  Thus, the following sentences would not be acceptable:

* من الجدير بالملاحظة  أنّ قد برزت ظاهرة معروفة

*علماً بأنّ لا يمكن  ان نقبل هذا الوضع

*أكّد انّ في السنوات القادمة سينتشر السلام في المنطقة

They need to read as follows:

من الجدير بالملاحظة  أنّه قد برزت ظاهرة معروفة.او: من الجدير بالملاحظة  أنّ ظاهرة معروفة قد برزت.

It is worth noticing that a well known phenomenon has surfaced.

علماً بأنّه لا يمكن  ان نقبل هذا الوضع.او: علماً بأنّ هذا الوضع لا يمكن  ان نقبله.

It being known that we cannot accept this situation.

أكّد انّه في السنوات القادمة سينتشر السلام في المنطقة.او: أكّد انّ السلام سينتشر في المنطقة في السنوات القادمة.

He confirmed that peace will spread in the region in the coming years

Notice from all the examples given above that the ضمير الشأن  is masculine singular, even where, as in the first  example, the following verb and subject are feminine singular. In rare cases the pronoun will refer to its anticipated subject that it precedes, as in:

لعلها كانت المناسبة  السعيدة التي توقّعاها.             ‘perhaps it was the happy occasion the two of them expected’.

بعض العادات والأعياد في البلاد العربية

عيد الفطر في الإمارات
شم النسيم

الزواج عند البدو (عنوان القطعة)

الحقيبة الدبلوماسية

نساء قطر حققن المعادلة الصعبة

3:00 ص, الأربعاء, 28 مارس, 2012


بقلم : سوزان زيادة (سفيرة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في قطر) ..احتفل العالم باليوم العالمي للمرأة في 8 مارس .. في الولايات المتحدة، نحن نريد الاستمرار فى الاحتفال طوال شهر مارس، تكريماً لإسهامات النساء الكبيرة في مجتمعنا.. من هذا المنطلق، أودّ أن أُشيد بالمرأة القطرية كما أودّ أن أُثني على حضرة صاحب السمو الشيخ حمد بن خليفة آل ثاني أمير البلاد المفدى وصاحبة السمو الشيخة موزة بنت ناصر لمنحهما هذه الفرصة والنهوض بالمرأة في جميع أنحاء العالم، ووضع ذلك في أعلى أولويات رؤيتهما لمستقبل قطر .. إنهما يحدثان أثراً دائماً على المجتمع البشري عبر تمكين الشباب – الفتيان والفتيات – من خلال التعليم.

إنني أُثني على الحكومة القطرية لعملها الدؤوب من أجل سدّ الفجوة بين الجنسين ليس في التعليم فقط، وإنما أيضاً فى مجالات الحكومة والسياسة والأعمال والعلوم والتكنولوجيا وغير ذلك.

لقد أشارت وزيرة الخارجية الأمريكية هيلاري كلينتون إلى هذه الحقبة بأنها “عصر المشاركة” .. هذا هو الوقت الذي يستعدّ فيه كل فرد، بغضّ النظر عن الجنس أو غير ذلك من الصفات، ليكون عضواً مساهماً وذا قيمة لمجتمعه .. إننا نرى أمثلة لهذا في قطر في نواحٍ كثيرة .. على سبيل المثال، خلال اليوم الرياضي الأول لدولة قطر في فبراير الماضي، رأينا نساءً يُشاركن جنباً إلى جنب مع الرجال ويُساهمن في الملعب تماماً كما يفعلن في أماكن العمل .. في الواقع، عندما أحضرنا مدربة كرة القدم الأمريكية ساري روز لقطر باعتبارها مبعوثاً للرياضة، لاحظنا مستوى ملهماً من الالتزام بين النساء والفتيات القطريات فى مجال التدريب ولعب كرة القدم.

اليوم، في قطر والولايات المتحدة، وفى جميع أنحاء العالم، تُشكّل النساء المجتمع من خلال السياسة والأعمال والصحافة والتعليم، والعمل الإنساني، والعلوم، بالإضافة إلى كل ذلك، فإن النساء هنّ بطلات الحياة اليومية .. فهن اللائي يقمن بإعالة أسرهن في الوطن وتنشئة وتعليم الجيل القادم .. إن إتقان التوازن بين العمل والأسرة لأمر صعب، إلا أنني التقيت بنساء قطريات يقمن بهذه المهمة بنجاح كبير في كل مكان ذهبت إليه .. هناك قصص لا تُحصى لنساء قطريات عظيمات عبر الأجيال هنّ بمثابة عناوين وصاحبات أثر .. إن هذا العصر هو عصر الوعد والإمكانية للجميع.

تمكين المرأة هو حجر الزاوية في السياسة الخارجية الأمريكية .. والحقيقة البسيطة هي أنه لا يُوجد بلد يأمل في المضي قدماً إذا ما تمّ ترك نصف شعبه في الوراء .. إن النساء والفتيات يدفعن اقتصاداتنا، والشرق الأوسط هو مثال على تلك المناطق التي لها تاريخ غني بسيدات الأعمال الديناميكيات .. إن النساء يبنين السلام والازدهار، وأن الاستثمار في النساء يعني الاستثمار في التقدّم الاقتصادي العالمي والاستقرار السياسي، والمزيد من الرخاء في جميع أنحاء العالم.

في الختام .. نُحيّي النساء فى قطر وفى جميع أنحاء العالم اللائي يقمن بتوسيع وإعادة تعريف المعايير الاجتماعية .. كما نُحيّي أمهاتنا اللائي قدّمن لنا إطاراً أخلاقياً نستطيع من خلاله مواجهة الحياة بثقة ونعمة .. نحن نُحيّي أخواتنا العالمات والشاعرات وسيدات الأعمال، الصحفيات، المعلمات والرياضيات، كما نُحيّي بناتنا اللائي تخطّين في مجالات جديدة عليهن وللمرّة الأولى، مثل ندى محمد وفا السباحة القطرية ذات السبعة عشر عاماً، التي شاركت لأوّل مرّة في مسابقة السباحة في دورة الألعاب العربية عام 2011 .. نحن نقف وراء ندى ووراء جميع النساء اللائي يشرعن في أنشطة شخصية كبيرة في جميع المجالات .. في هذا الشهر، هذه السنة، ودائماً.


معاني الاضافة

You have seen countless instances of the اضافة  construct in this book and elsewhere; it will be useful now to summarize the possible meanings an idafa might have: let’s see how many of them you know.  As you know, the definiteness of the idafa construct is determined by the second term: if it is definite then the idafa is definite: مفتاحُ الغُرفةِ “the key of/to the room“, “the room key“.  If the second term is indefinite, the idafa construct as a whole is indefinite: مفتاحُ غرفةٍ ‘the key to a room”, “a room key”.  This raises the question: How do you say “a key to a room”?  Here you must use the structure, يوماً من الايامِ ‘one day’.


The rules for constructing an idafa are very strict: the first noun المضاف  cannot take the definite article or nunation/تنوين its case is variable, depending on its function in the sentence. The second noun المضافُ اليه can only be in the genitive case, roughly equivalent to “of” in English.

Word order of modifiers. Nothing can come between the two terms of the idafa: all modifiers must follow the second term. With one adjective modifier the features of agreement help to indicate which noun is being modified, as in

ما اسم سيارة المديرالجديد؟ ‘What is the name of the new director’s car/what’s the new name of the director’s car?’

ما اسم سيارة المدير الجديدة؟ ‘What is the name of the director’s new car?                    

If each term has an adjective modifier, then both are strung after the second term with the one modifying the second term coming first (and so forming a noun-adjective phrase with it) and the adjective modifying the first term comes last of all:

لجان الامم المتحدة الاقتصادية ‘the economic committees of the United Nations’

It is more common, however, to see such idafas broken down into two noun phrases joined by التابع لِ ‘belonging to’ or, most commonly, by لِ ‘of’:

اللجنة الاقتصادية لافريقيا التابعة للامم المتحدة ‘the Economic Committee for Africa of the United Nations’

 Let us look now at the basic meanings of the idafa and then at variations in the construction and where it occurs. 

The basic meaning of the idafa is a genitive relationship, a modifying relationship where one noun–the second term –modifies another noun–the first term of the idafa.  . The genitive relationship is realized in the following ways:

1. possession: the second term possesses the first term, as in اخو زيدٍ ‘Zaid’s brother, the brother of Zaid’; this structure is equal to الاخ لِزيدٍ ”the brother of Zaid”, where    لِ = ”belonging to’.  “Zaid’s” modifies “brother”: it tells whose brother is being talked about.  Other examples: اسمُ الاستاذِ ‘the professor’s name’; صديق الزائرِ ‘the visitor’s friend’.

2. naming:

 مدينةُ الكويتِ ‘the city of Kuwait, Kuwait City’= المدينةُ واسمُها الكويت ‘the city-its name is Kuwait’

جامعةُ القاهرةِ ‘the University of Cairo, Cairo University’,

جريدة النهار البيروتية ‘the Beirut newspaper An-Nahar’.

3. container and contents: فنجانُ قهوةٍ ‘a cup of coffee’ = فنجانٌ من القهوةِ;  علبةُ بقلاوةٍ ‘a box of baklava’, إبْريقُ الماءِ ‘the pitcher of water’

4. limitation: فنجان قهوةٍ ‘a coffee cup’, as in فنجانُ قهوةٍ من السكَّرِ ‘a coffee cupful of sugar’; طبيبُ اطفالٍ ‘pediatrician’ (“doctor of children”), ساعةُ امرأةٍ ‘a lady’s watch’.

5. specification of the meaning of the governing terms,  such as:

 (i)  object and material:

 قلمُ رصاصٍ وقلمُ حِبرٍ ‘a pencil (“reed pen of lead”) and a pen (“reed pen of ink”)

’, ساعةُ ذهبٍ ‘a watch of gold, a gold watch’ = ساعةٌ مصنوعةٌ منَ الذهبِ ‘a watch made of gold’.

(ii)  a genus:

شجرة برتقال ‘an orange tree’

مرض اللأيدز ‘AIDS’

(iv) time, place, measure

صلاة الفجر  ‘dawn prayer’

يوم العرس  ‘the wedding day’

ميناء يافا  ‘the port of Jaffa’

كيلو السكّر ‘the kilo of sugar (is for a dollar)’; اشتريت كيلو سكّر ‘I bought a kilo of sugar’

6. apposition:  بسبب الرابطة الوثيقة بين افراد العائلة’because of the close tie among the members of

the family, السبب = الرابطة;

بمناسبة عطلة المدارس

‘on the occasion of the school holiday’ where مناسبة = عطلة.

7. special Cases. While the general relationship between the two terms of an idafa is genitive “of”,   in many cases a different preposition best suits the interpretation, depending on the context, as in the following:

(i)  ل ‘for’:

مشروعُ بناءِ البيوتِ للفقراءِ ‘the project of building …’, but also = مشروعٌ لِبناءِ بيوتٍ للفقراءِ ‘a   project for the building of  housing for the poor’

(ii) من اجلِ ‘for the sake, for’:

حركةُ التحرير ‘the liberation movement’ but also = الحركةُ من اجلِ التحرير ‘the movement for liberation and emancipation’

 (iii) الى  ‘to’:

 في سبيل تحقيق هذه الاغراض ‘on the way  of realizing these goals’ but also  =  في السبيل الى تحقيق هذه الاغراض     on the way to  realize  these goals,     

 (iv)لِكَيْ ‘in order to’:

 فرصةً رؤيتها  ‘the chance of  seeing her’, but also= فرصةً لرؤيتها ‘an  opportunity in order to  see her’

 Specific terms as nouns that serve as مضاف   and express the idea of possession:

These include the words:

  • صاحب – أصحاب ‘friend, companion’ frequently are used in the meaning of ‘owner, possessor’ as in:
    حدثنا عن صاحب العمل هنا وعن أصحاب النفوذ في هذا البلد.  

Tell us about the employer here and about the influential people in this country.

  • أهل  ‘people, family’ used as members, inhabitants, possessors’

اهل الجنّة ليسوا أهل الثراء ولا أهل المدن فقط.

The inhabitants of paradise are not the wealthy and are not the city dwellers only.

  •   ابن- أبناء ‘son – sons/children’  carries the meaning of ‘someone from, people of’

كلّ واحد من ابناء جيلنا كان ابن طائفة دينية.

Everyone of our generation was a follower of a religious sect.

  • ذو  ‘owner, possessor’ (see Lesson 8 Lexical Note 1)

Words which most commonly occur as مضاف في اضافة

كلٌّ ، بعضٌ، جميعٌ، اجمعُ، كِلا/كِلتا، مُعْظَمٌ، مِثل، منذُ , for which see the lexical notes in lessons 4 ,  9, and 10.

Other Idafa phrases.

We have discussed the cases where the مضاف in anidafa phrase is one of the following: an active participle اسم فاعل  with the  مضاف اليه functioning as the object (see  Lesson 12, Grammar Note 1),

  1. a passive participle اسم المفعول  (see Lesson 5 Grammar note 3), 
  1. a verbal noun with the مضاف اليه  serving as object, or as subject , (see Lesson 3 Grammar note 2 and lesson and Lesson 13, Grammar Note 1), or
  2. an adjectival in an اضافة غير حقيقية , (for which see, Lesson 7 Grammar Note 1), respectively.

To these we need to add the case where the مضاف in anidafa phrase is an elative أفْعَل التَفْضيل, which is the most common way to express the superlative in Arabic. Here المضاف اليه  can be an indefinite singular noun as in:  اصعبُ مشكلةٍ   ‘the most difficult problem’. With a definite plural مضاف اليه the elative may have a partitive relationship with the second term, as in  اصعبُ الامورِ ‘the most difficult of the matters’–one or more–, or relate to the totality ‘the most difficult matters’.  The elative as a first term is almost always masculine singular.

Here are some further comments on this construction:

  • المضاف اليه following the elative can itself be a noun phrase,  an اضافة,  or  a relative clause with an indefinite pronoun  ما او مَن  (see lesson 2 Grammar Note 3):

هذه من أجمل مدن سوريا القديمة

This is one of the most beautiful old Syrian cities I visited.

هذا المنظر اجمل ما شاهدت في حياتي.

This scene is the most beautiful of what  I have seen in my life.

  • two or more coordinate elatives may refer to the same مضاف اليه  . Here it is common though not required to have the second elative follow the first اضافة , with a pronoun referring to the مضاف اليه attached to it:

هذه الطريق  أقصر وأسهل الطرق الى المتحف= هذه الطريق  أقصر الطرق الى المتحف وأسهلها.

This road is the shortest and easiest road to the museum.

Cf. this situation with that of a regular اضافة as in:

 تشجيعُ وتيسيرُ التعليمِ ‘the promotion and facilitation of education’, where the strict application of the rule may require that the second alternative be used: تشجيع التعليم وتيسيره

  •  the elative is often followed by تمييز ( accusative of specification) which restricts and specifies its meaning:

ابنتي هي اكبر اولادي سنّاً واشدّهم تمسّكا بأهلها  واكثرهم تفهّما بالاوضاع.

My daughter is the oldest of my children in age, the most attached to her family, and the most   understanding of the situation

  • (iv  elatives in a few cases agree with the مضاف اليه in gender (only a very few such elatives are in common use):

بذلت صُغْرى (أصغر) أخواتي قُصْوى (أقصى) العناية بامّها في كبرى (اكبر)  مدن امريكا

The youngest of my sisters has expanded the utmostt care of her mother in the largest cities of the US.

  • as will be observed from these and other examples you have run across such elative constructions are used attributively, predicatively, as subjects, objects, etc.,  and following مٍن البيانية  (see Lesson 3 Grammar Note 5).

. حرف اللام ‘The particle اللام ‘

This particle has different functions and a wide variety of meanings:

1. As a preposition, it has several meanings:

a. possession, ‘belonging to, to have’

       لي ولدان وبنت  I have two boys and a girl.

 للمجتمع العربي عادات وتقاليد مختلفة   Arab society has various customs and traditions.

It introduces the possessor after an indefinite noun:

سكنوا في بيتٍ لعمّهِم.      They lived in a house of their uncle.

تعرّفت على ابن له يدرس في امريكا          I got to know a son of his who is studying in America.

في مقالةٍ  لي            in an article of mine

b. for, cause, reason, purpose, and may be followed by:

(i) a noun

لسبب ما                                                              for some reason

دواء للصداع                                                        a medicine for a headache

(ii) a verbal noun

حضر لإلقاء محاضرة He came to give a lecture.

وتُتبع خُطُواتٍ تمهيدية معيّنة لتبادل الزيارات بين اسرتي الشاب والفتاة لطلب يد الفتاة وللاتفاق على المَهْرِ

Certain preparatory steps are taken to exchange visits between the boy’s and the girl’s families in order to ask for the girl’s hand and to agree on the dowry.’

(iii) the nominalizers  أنْ  / أنّ

 رجع ال بيته لأنّ المحاضرة أ ُلْغِيت         He returned home because the lecture was canceled.

لا حاجة لأن تزوروهم         There is no need for your to visit them.

(iv) the demonstratives  هذا ، ذلك، ذا at the head of sentences to indicate reason for what came before:

سمعت أنّه سيعود. لذا فإنّي سأترك المكان مسرعاً .ً          I heard he was coming soon. Therefore, I will be leaving in a hurry.

c. with expressions of time to indicate when and how long, and with locations to express direction:

انا هنا لمدّة سنتين/ لاولِ مرة/ للمرة الاولى.                   I am here for (a period of) two years/for the first time’.

ساعود للمكتب واتحدّث معه وجها ً لوجه.                     I will return to the office to talk to him face to face.

d. action or movement towards

فتحتُ الباب فابتسمت لي ولا اعرف ما حدث لها بعد ذلك  I opened the door, so they smiled at me, but I do not know what happened to her then.

e. with object of a verbal noun when the subject is expressed or when the verbal noun is desired to be indefinite

اعجبه احترامهم  لوالديهم.      Their respect to their parents pleased him.

بعد فتح العرب الاندلس= بعد فتح العرب للاندلس      after the Arabs’ conquering Andalusia = after the Arabs’ conquering of Andalusia

جرى فسخٌ للخِطبةِ =جرى فسخُ الخِطبةِ=          A breaking of the engagement took place

f. as an alternative to an إضافة  when the  مضاف   is wanted or required to be indefinite

استاذ للغة العربيّة   هو = هو استاذ اللغة العربية

g. as an alternative  to an إضافة   when the first and second term are both modified by definite adjectives:

حقوق العرب الامريكيين السياسية = الحقوق السياسية  للعرب الامريكيين The political  rights of Arab Americans.

h. with indirect objects of doubly transitive verbs:

أعطوها للففقراء والمحتاجين.       They gave it to the poor and needy,

i. as an indication of authorship , composition, and art and music production etc.:

هذا كتابٌ لِتوفيق الحكيم وهذه قطعة موسيقيّة لموتسارت.  This is a book by Tawfiq Hakim and this is a musical piece by Mozart.

j. having the right:

لك أن تفعل ما تريد   You have the right to do what you want.

هل لها ان تطالب باكثرَ من ذلك؟   Does she have the right to ask for more?

k. as exclamatory particle:

يا لـَلأسف                    What a pity!

يا لها من امرأة!               What a woman!

l. in some idioms and expressions:

لِوحدِه  ‘alone’

لتوّها  ‘she has just …, immediately’

للاسف ‘regretfully, too bad’

لحسن/لسوء الحـَظّ ‘fortunately, unfortunately’

2. As a conjunction, followed by a verb in the subjunctive

a. directly or with subordinators like لكي ، لكيما, to indicate  ‘in order to/that’

ذهبوا الى واشنطن ليقوموا بواجبهم ويُنهوا العمليّة.          They went  to  … to do their duty and complete the operation.

b. to indicate the result of an action:

عدنا الى البيت لنجده خرابا ً.     We returned home to find it in ruins.

c.after  كان in the negative to mean ‘was not going to, would not’

ما كنتُ لأطلبَ منك ذلك                           I was not going to ask this of you.

لم يكن ليخطرَ على بالي              It would not have occurred to me.

In these last two examples, the ل  is referred to in Arabic grammars as  لام الجُحود ‘ the laam of denial’.

3. As a particle to denote emphasis. This occurs (i) preceding the predicate of  إنّ , (ii) preceding the conditional particle  إنْ , (iii) before the resulting clause of the لو  clause, and finally (iv) with words  as in لقد ، لكم ، لسوف ، لطالما  :

إنّها لمسألة صعبة تستحقّ الاهتمام         It is indeed a difficult matter that deserves attention.

ولئن فعلوا ذلك ضاعت فرصة النجاح                         If they do that at all, the opportunity for success would be lost.

لو لم يتركوا بلادهم لما أصابهم سوء                          Had they not left their country, no harm would have befallen them.

لطالما انتظرت وانتظرت بلا جدوى. How long I waited and waited, to no avail!

3. Preposition لِ ‘for’

a. “for, for the benefit of”: سأغني لكم أغنية فرنسية‘I will sing a French song for you.’

لمن هدا الكتاب؟ ‘Whose book is this?’ 

Cause “for, for reason of, because of”: لاسباب تتصل بأخلاقه او مكانته الاجتماعية او سنه او علمه ‘for reasons that have to do with his morals, social status, age or education’

Possession–“belonging to; to have”:للمجتمع العربي عادات وتقاليد مختلفة ‘Arab society has various customs and traditions’; ولي ولدان وبنت ‘I have two boys and a girl.’

لِ introduces the possessor after an indefinite noun:

سكنوا في بيتٍ لعمهِم ‘They lived in a house of their uncle’s.’

لِ-phrases correspond to English possessive pronouns”

في مقالةٍ لي ‘in an article of mine’

Credit:لِ means ‘to the credit of’ as opposed to على ‘to the debit of’:

هذا لك وهذا عليك ‘You owe for this one and that one is yours.’

Purpose “for, in order to, to”: وتتبع خُطُواتٍ تمهيدية معيّنة لتبادل الزيارات بين اسرتي الشاب والفتاة لطلب يد الفتاة والاتفاق على المَهْرِ ‘And they take certain preparatory steps to exchange visits between the boy’s and the girl’s families in order to ask for the girl’s hand and to agree on the dowry.’

Indirect object:

 عملت لَكَ لحماَ مشوياَ ‘I made some shish kebab for you.’

Time occurrences ‘for;لِمُدة! extent: ‘for the period of, for’:

لاولِ مرة، للمرة الاولى ‘for the first time’; لمدة سنتين ‘for (a period of) two years’

Authorship “(written) by”:

هذا كتابٌ لِتوفيق الحكيم ‘This is a book by Tawfiq Hakim.’

Periphrastic use of لِ . The second accusative indirect object after a verbal noun (see Lesson 2, Grammar note B) may be replaced by a لِ-prepositional phrase, where ل has the value of “of”:

with first term and second term both modified by definite adjwcticws:

مجلس الامم المتحدة العام = المجلس العام للامم المتحدة 

حقوق العرب الامريكيين السياسية = الحقوق السياسية للعرب الامريكيين

This periphrastic construction is also used with the object of a verbal noun with a subject and object:

بعد فتح العرب الاندلس ‘after the Arabs’ conquering Andalusia’ = بعد فتح العرب للاندلس ‘after the Arabs’ conquering of Andalusia’

If the first term of the idafa is desired to be indefinite the second term can by put into this لِ construction:

فسخٌ للخِطبةِ ‘a breaking of the engagement’

تكوين المجتمع العربي

Functions of the Cases   وظائف حالات الإسم          

By now you have had most of the functions in the three-case system of the Arabic noun.  This is a good time to review case functions to help you have systematic control of them and train your nervous system to recognize case functions automatically.  Here goes.


  1. The NOMINATIVE CASE/الأسم المرفوع is well named: its name comes from the Latin word for “name”, nomen. It is the naming case, the case of citations: titles and captions are in the nominative, as are words in lists. Following is a listing of where the nominative case is used:


  1. titles: ” زيدٌ وكريمة ُ: قصتهما”


  1. subject of a verb/فاعِل: verbal sentence سافر زيدٌ امس


  1. subject in a verbless sentence/مبتدأ: زيدٌ من السودان            


  1. predicate in verbless sentence/خبر: زيد طالبٌ في الجامعة


  1. vocative afterيا، ايها/حرفُ نداءٍ ‘O’: اسمعي يا كريمة ُ Note: as a first term of an idafa the vocative noun takes an accusative case ending: يا بائعة ُ الزهورِ! ‘O seller of flowers’! and an indefinite or unknown addressee is in the accusative indefinite; يا رجلاً! ‘Somebody!’


  1. noun-prepositionals are inflected for genitive and accusative case but in the nominative case they become adverbs of time and place, like فوقُ ‘above’ and قبلُ ‘earlier’.

A noun in apposition with a nominative noun also is in the nominative caseالرئيسُ زيد


See also predicate  ان-clauses, …


  1. The GENITIVE case/الاسم المخفوض، الاسم المجرور is the simplest: it is used as


  1. object of preposition: مع زيدٍ and as the


  1. second term of an idafa/المضاف اليه: أُسرةُ زيدٍ. This includes its use after quantifiers like كل and جميع and prepositionals like بعدَ، عندَ، مثلَ .


A noun in apposition with a noun in the genitive case is also genitive: من اجل الاستا>ِ زيدٍ


  1. ACCUSATIVE nouns/الاسماء المنصوبةُ serve as
  2. direct object of verb/المفعول به: ينتج لبنانُ انواعاً مختلفةً من الفواكهِ


  1. indirect object of verb/المفعول له:من مال اعطت اولادَها كل ما عندها


  1. predicate of linking verb/خبر: يبدو زيد تعباً اليوم


  1. predicate or complement of verbal noun: حسبنا زيداً مسافراً ‘we considered Zaid had left/a professor/clever’; اتخذوا القاهرة عاصمةً للدولة ‘they took Cairo as the capital of the nation’


  1. subject of إن!َ and its sisters: ان زيداً حقاً في حاجة الى مساعدة; ما دُمتُ حياً


  1. the cognate accusative/المفعول المُطلق: استقبلوهم استقبالاً حارّاً ‘They welcomed them with a warm welcoming’ = ‘They welcomed them warmly.’


  1. accusative of categorical denial/لا النافية للجنس: لا with an indefinite accusative noun negates the existence of all members of that class of things, “there is no…”: لا مفر!َ ‘there is no escape’; لا بأسَ ‘there is no harm [in it]; لا أحدَ في البيت‘there is no one at home’.


Adverbial modification: almost anything that does not require a nominative or genitive ending will be accusative; this includes


  1. accusative of time and timing:

noun of time with definite article (= “this”):  اليومَ today’, الليلةَ َ tonight’,السنةَ َ ‘this year’    extent of time: سكنا في مدينة الجزائر خمسَ سنين ‘they lived in Algiers five years.’ فَورَ وصولهم ‘immediately on their arrival’; فَوْراً ‘immediately’


  1. replacing prepositional phrases of time at which: في الليل = ليلاً ‘at night’, عند الظهر ظهراً ‘at noon’, في النهار = نهاراً ‘by day’, في المساء = مساءً ‘evenings’, ً مؤخرا‘recently’


  1. accusative of place:

   acc. indef. nominals signifying “on the…, to  the…”, etc.:   عالمياً ‘world-wide’, شرقاً وغرباً ‘eastward and westward’                   

   prepositionals in the acc. def.: فوقَ   ‘above, over’,  تحتَ ‘under’:  َحول البيت ‘around the house’                                                            


  1. accusative of extent or degree: ساعتين ‘(for) two hours’, مشوا مئةَ مترا ‘they walked a hundred meters’; غالباَ ‘preponderantly, for the most part’, قليلاً’a little’.


  1. accusative of purpose or cause: the classic example: قمنا اكراماً له = قمنا لِنُكرمَه ‘we rose to honor him/in his honor’; قال رد!ً على سؤالٍ ‘he said in answer to a question (“to answer a question”): an indefinite accusative verbal noun. طلباً للحرية ‘in search of freedom, searching for freedom’, هرباً من = لِيهربوا من ‘to flee from, in flight from, fleeing from’, خوفاً  ‘from fear’.


  1. specification/تمييز: an indefinite accusative that generally means “with respect to” and deriving from a prepositional phrase (see L. 9): اللبنانيون اقدم العرب تاريخاً في المهجر ‘The Lebanese are historically (= في التاريخ) the oldest Arabs in the diaspora’


  1. accusative of accompaniment: وَ followed by an accusative noun means ‘together with, with’, as in من جاء وإياك واخاك؟ ’Who came with you and your brother?’ Either وَ or معَ can serve with  اتفقas a two-word verb to mean “to reach/be in agreement”.  معاً is the adverb “together”.

N.B. Note the use of إي– after the particle وَ- ‘with’, which cannot receive a suffixed pronoun; this suffix is also used for a pronoun direct object of a verb which already has a pronoun indirect object, as inأعطيناهم أياه  ‘we gave it to them’ (“we gave them it”).


  1. after the numerals from “ten” to “nineteen” plus the tens: the counted noun is accusative singular indefinite: اثنا عشر كتاباً ‘twelve books’, واحد وثلاثين يوماً ‘thirty-one days’


Particular constructions/ جلسوا متأملينَ اخبارذلك اليوم  وهم يتأملون ‘they sat contemplating the news of that day’ = ‘as they contemplated’


  1. the quality or feature being compared in a comparative construction/اسم التفصيل:

زيد اصغر منه سناً واكبر منه عقلاً ‘Zaid is younger than he is (in years) and older in intelligence.’


  1. accusative indefinite singular complement of كَم ‘how much? how many?’:تريد؟ كم ديناراً ‘how many dinars do you want?’; كم نهراً؟ ‘how many rivers?


  1. accusative of admiration: a definite accusative noun follows ما plus a Form IV verb based on a qualitative root gives the meaning “how…is…!”, as in ما اصعبَ ا الدرسَ ‘how hard this lesson is!’, based on the root of صعب ‘difficult’; ما اجمل لبنانَ ‘how beautiful Lebanon is!’


  1. vocative noun as second term of an idafa: ما`l ماذا تفعل يا عبدَ الله؟ ‘what are you doing, Abdullah?’



Apposition: nouns in apposition take the same case as the noun they are in apposition with:

وصل امس من الشام زيدٌ اخو كريمةَ

هل تعرف زيداً أخا كريمةَ؟

تحدثوا الى زيدٍ اخي كريمةَ

Grammar  اسم المفعول

Passive Participles.  In the previous lesson we discussed active participles; it would be well now to have a glance at passive participles, first the forms and then their usages.

Form I verbs were presumably the original verbs in Arabic, and the derived verb conjugations were built on them.  For example, Form I verb وضُحَ ‘to be clear’ can be put into the causative Form II verb وضح to mean “to cause to be clear, make clear, clarify, explain.’  Form I active participles have their own private shapes different from those of the derived Forms.  The Form I active participle pattern is فاعل and its variants, as you know (see…), and the passive pattern is مفعول, as in فاعل ‘making’ and مفعول ‘made’ from فعل – يفعل ‘to do, make’. Some non-canonical illustrations of Form I active participles are كبير ‘big’, حَسَنٌ ‘good’ and تَعْبانٌ ‘tired’. 


The rule for forming all the derived verb participles goes like this, illustrated by Form II قد!م ‘to present; to offer’, Form VI تناوَل ‘to reach for and take’ and VIII انتخب ‘to elect’:

0: Imperfect indicative:                  يقدِم                 يتناوَل                ينتخِب                                                                                                                                           1. Select the imperfect stem:       -قدِم                      -تناوَل               نتخِب –                          

  1. Prefix مُ-: مقدِم متناوَل                منتخِب                                       
  2. Change the stem vowel

            for the active to i:            مُقدِمٌ’presenting’ متناوِل ‘taking up’    منتخِب   ‘electing’                                                                 

            for the passive to a:        مُقدَم  ‘presented’ متناوَل  ‘taken up’       منتخَب ‘elected’


The meaning of the passive participle is “having undergone the action of the verb” or “having been put into the state or quality denoted by the verb”; the technical term for this meaning is patient, one who has suffered or undergone the action of the verb. Thus the underlying meaning of مقدَم is ‘having been presented’, of متناوَل is ‘having been taken’, and of منتخَب is ‘having been elected’.


The passive participles of verb-preposition idioms retain the preposition to specify the meaning of the phrase; the structure is illustrated by the following phrase based on وَثِقَ – يَثِقُ بِ ‘to trust, have confidence in’:

 دراسةٌ موثوقٌ بها ‘a trustworthy/reliable study’

The past participle itself is invariable–it is always masculine singular, while the pronoun object of the preposition is what agrees with the modified noun.  Here are a two more examples:

القوانين المعمول بها ‘the laws on the basis of which (governments) have been operating’

 علمه وجهده غير مرغوبٍ فيهما في وطنه الام’his education and efforts are not favored in his mother country’


A secondary meaning of the passive is potentiality of action; for example, مأكول can mean either ‘(having been) eaten’ or ‘edible’ and مقبول can mean ‘accepted’ or ‘acceptable’. This feature is found in the verb as well, where the passive can have potential meaning, as in شيء لا يُصدقُ ‘something unbelievable (“not to be believed”)’ and لم يحدثْ شيءٌ يُذكَرُ ‘Nothing remarkable happened.’


Finally, some passive participles develop fixed meanings and become nouns, taking the plural patterns that nouns rather than adjectives take, like مكتوب ‘message, note’ (“that which has been written”) with its plural مكاتيبُ and مفهومٌ – مفاهيمُ ‘notion-s, concept-s’. The word معلوم is interesting: as a passive participle it means “known”; as a noun it means “fee; duty, tax”, and with the feminine suffix, معلومة, it means ‘a known or given fact’ and has the regular plural معلومات meaning ‘knowledge, information; data’.


Derived passive participles may also mean noun of place, like مخي!َم ‘camping ground, camp’ from خيم ‘to pitch tent, encamp’ and مُستشفىً ‘hospital’ from استشفى ‘to seek a cure’.  In this usage the derived passive participles differ from basic Form I verbs, which have the special pattern مفعلة/مَفعَل (or مفغِل with most verbs whose imperfect stem vowel is  i). The plural of all of these patterns is مَفاعِلُ.

مكتبٌ – مكاتِبُ ‘office-s’ from كتب – يكتُب ‘to write’

مدرسةٌ – مدارسُ ‘school-s’ from  درس – يدرُس ‘to study’

مجلِسٌ – مجالسُ ‘seat; session; council’ from جَلَسَ – يجلِس ‘to sit down’

مقهىً – مقاهٍ from the root of the noun قهْوة ‘coffee’





 بعض الظروف الشبيهة بالأسماء  ‘Prepositionals’

In addition to true prepositions like  في ، مِن ، بِ، الى , Arabic uses words in the accusative, which are originally nouns, followed by nouns in the genitive, as prepositions of time and space; some are even  preceded by one or more of the basic prepositions. We already know a great many of them:    عندَ، أمامَ، وراءَ، قـُدّامَ، وراءَ، خـَلـْفَ،  بـَدَلَ، رَغـْمَ، دونَ ، أثـْناءَ، وَسـْطَ ، نـَحـْوَ، بـَيْنَ  الخ . قبلَ ،  بعدَ، . Others occur in this lesson and you will be encountering some more in the course of further reading and exposure. All of these are high frequency items and need to be learned and used. Here are some more of these high frequency compound prepositions; the list on the right provides those that appear without a primary preposition, and the one on the left those that do :


جـِوارَ = بِجِوارِ   ‘next to, beside’                        عـَبـْرَ ‘across, over, on the other side’

جـَنـْبَ =بـِجانـِبِ  ‘ near, next to’                          تـُجاهَ  ‘facing, in front of, opposite’

قـُرْبَ ه=بـِقـُرْبِ ه=بالقـُرب من                                  تـِلـْوَ  ‘after, after’

خـِلافَ = بـِخـِلافِ ‘apart from, aside from, contrary’   طِوالَ/ طيلة َ ‘during, throughout a period of time’

إزاءَ = بإزاءِ ‘facing, face to face with’              ضـِد ّ   ‘against’

عـَقـِبَ =على عـَقـِبِ ‘subsequent to, immediately after’ لـِقاءَ ‘in return for’

‘according to, depending on, in accordance with’       نحوَ ‘towards’ 

إثـْرَ= على إثرِ  ‘right after, immediately after    نُصْبَ    ‘facing, in front of’

حـَولَ = من حـَول ِ ‘around, about’                       رَهـْنَ  ‘pending, depending on, subject to

حـِيالَ =بـحـِيال ِ  ‘with regard to, in view of’       صَوْبَ ‘in the direction of, toward’

حـَولَ = من حـَول ِ ‘around, about’                      

من حـَوْلَيـَهما ‘around the two of them’                                                                                      

ضـِمـْنَهم = من ضِمـْنِهم  ‘inside of, in, among’                 

اثناء َ = في أثناء ‘during’

ضِمْنَ = من ضمنِ ‘included in, implied in                                             

وَفْقَ = من وفق = وفقا ً لِ

عِوَضَ = عوضا ً عن/من ‘instead of, as a substitute

‘according to, in conformity with

حـَسـَبَ =بـِحـَسَبِ =على حـَسَبِ

‘according to, depending on, in accordance with’

Some of these prepositionals likeوفور   حالَ  occur followed by مصدر . In the case of  حالَ  the مصدر can be  صريح  ‘verbal noun’ or  مؤوّل ‘nominalized clause’. Here are the forms in which they are found.


حالَ  (وصولِه)=حالما وصل ‘immediately upon’

حالا ً=في الحال=للحال ‘at once, without delay, immeditely’

على كلّ حال=على أيّ حال ‘in any case, at any rate’

على حاله ‘just as it is’


فـَورَ (وصوله) ‘immediately after (his arrival)’

فورا ً=على الفـَور ِ ‘immediately, right away’

من فـَوْرِ(ه) ‘at once, forthwith, promptly’

Abstract nouns/الاسماء المجردة.  Concrete nouns refer to something tangible, something you and hold or touch; abstract nouns are things that have no physical shape and that you cannot touch and that do not refer to a specific object, like ideas and concepts, feelings, names of qualities, etc. (One person defined “abstraction” as something that cannot be colored.)  Since an abstraction covers all instances of the item there should not be need for a plural; if you do see an abstract noun pluralized then you have a new word with a new meaning, a vocabulary item.  For example, “life” in “All life is precious” is an abstract noun referring to all  human’s and to all living things but the plural form in the title of Francis Yeats-Brown‘s “The Lives of a Bengal Lancer” has been lexicalized and now means tales from the life of an individual.  You learned in Lesson 7 that the definite article ال used with a singular noun may denote a genus or class of nouns, a kind of abstract noun called a generic noun.  Another very common abstraction in Arabic is formed with the suffix  ِيةٌ-, which corresponds to English abstract suffixes like –ty in “civility”, “nicety” and “gravity”; ‑dom in “freedom” and “kingdom”; –ness in “goodness” and “oneness”, etc. In this lesson we have المسيحيةُ ‘Christianity’ which is based on المسيح ‘(the) Christ’.

Functions of the Cases   وظائف حالات الإسم          

By now you have had most of the functions in the three-case system of the Arabic noun.  This is a good time to review case functions to help you have systematic control of them and train your nervous system to recognize case functions automatically.  Here goes.

  1. The NOMINATIVE CASE/الأسم المرفوع is well named: its name comes from the Latin word for “name”, nomen. It is the naming case, the case of citations: titles and captions are in the nominative, as are words in lists. Following is a listing of where the nominative case is used:

a. titles: ” زيدٌ وكريمة ُ: قصتهما”

b. subject of a verb/فاعِل: verbal sentence سافر زيدٌ امس

c. subject in a verbless sentence/مبتدأ: زيدٌ من السودان            

d. predicate in verbless sentence/خبر: زيد طالبٌ في الجامعة

e. vocative afterيا، ايها/حرفُ نداءٍ ‘O’: اسمعي يا كريمة ُ Note: as a first term of an idafa the vocative noun takes an accusative case ending: يا بائعة ُ الزهورِ! ‘O seller of flowers’! and an indefinite or unknown addressee is in the accusative indefinite; يا رجلاً! ‘Somebody!’

f. noun-prepositionals are inflected for genitive and accusative case but in the nominative case they become adverbs of time and place, like فوقُ ‘above’ and قبلُ ‘earlier’.

A noun in apposition with a nominative noun also is in the nominative caseالرئيسُ زيد

See also predicate  ان-clauses, …

  1. The GENITIVE case/الاسم المخفوض، الاسم المجرور is the simplest: it is used as

 a. object of preposition: مع زيدٍ and as the

b. second term of an idafa/المضاف اليه: أُسرةُ زيدٍ. This includes its use after quantifiers like كل and جميع and prepositionals like بعدَ، عندَ، مثلَ .

A noun in apposition with a noun in the genitive case is also genitive: من اجل الاستا>ِ زيدٍ

  1. ACCUSATIVE nouns/الاسماء المنصوبةُ serve as.  a.


a. direct object of verb/المفعول به: ينتج لبنانُ انواعاً مختلفةً من الفواكهِ

b. indirect object of verb/المفعول له:من مال اعطت اولادَها كل ما عندها

c. predicate of linking verb/خبر: يبدو زيد تعباً اليوم

d. predicate or complement of verbal noun: حسبنا زيداً مسافراً ‘we considered Zaid had left/a professor/clever’; اتخذوا القاهرة عاصمةً للدولة ‘they took Cairo as the capital of the nation’

e. subject of إن!َ and its sisters: ان زيداً حقاً في حاجة الى مساعدة; ما دُمتُ حياً

f. the cognate accusative/المفعول المُطلق: استقبلوهم استقبالاً حارّاً ‘They welcomed them with a warm welcoming’ = ‘They welcomed them warmly.’

g. accusative of categorical denial/لا النافية للجنس: لا with an indefinite accusative noun negates the existence of all members of that class of things, “there is no…”: لا مفر!َ ‘there is no escape’; لا بأسَ ‘there is no harm [in it]; لا أحدَ في البيت‘there is no one at home’.                                                                                      

Adverbial modification: almost anything that does not require a nominative or genitive ending will be accusative; this includes


h. accusative of time and timing:

noun of time with definite article (= “this”):  اليومَ today’, الليلةَ َ tonight’,السنةَ َ ‘this year’    extent of time: سكنا في مدينة الجزائر خمسَ سنين ‘they lived in Algiers five years.’ فَورَ وصولهم ‘immediately on their arrival’; فَوْراً ‘immediately’


i. replacing prepositional phrases of time at which: في الليل = ليلاً ‘at night’, عند الظهر ظهراً ‘at noon’, في النهار = نهاراً ‘by day’, في المساء = مساءً ‘evenings’, ً مؤخرا‘recently’

j. accusative of place:

   acc. indef. nominals signifying “on the…, to  the…”, etc.:   عالمياً ‘world-wide’, شرقاً وغرباً ‘eastward and westward’                   

   prepositionals in the acc. def.: فوقَ   ‘above, over’,  تحتَ ‘under’:  َحول البيت ‘around the house’                                                           

k. accusative of extent or degree: ساعتين ‘(for) two hours’, مشوا مئةَ مترا ‘they walked a hundred meters’; غالباَ ‘preponderantly, for the most part’, قليلاً’a little’.

l. accusative of purpose or cause: the classic example: قمنا اكراماً له = قمنا لِنُكرمَه ‘we rose to honor him/in his honor’; قال رد!ً على سؤالٍ ‘he said in answer to a question (“to answer a question”): an indefinite accusative verbal noun. طلباً للحرية ‘in search of freedom, searching for freedom’, هرباً من = لِيهربوا من ‘to flee from, in flight from, fleeing from’, خوفاً  ‘from fear’.

m. specification/تمييز: an indefinite accusative that generally means “with respect to” and deriving from a prepositional phrase (see L. 9): اللبنانيون اقدم العرب تاريخاً في المهجر ‘The Lebanese are historically (= في التاريخ) the oldest Arabs in the diaspora’

n. accusative of accompaniment: وَ followed by an accusative noun means ‘together with, with’, as in من جاء وإياك واخاك؟ ’Who came with you and your brother?’ Either وَ or معَ can serve with  اتفقas a two-word verb to mean “to reach/be in agreement”.  معاً is the adverb “together”.

N.B. Note the use of إي– after the particle وَ- ‘with’, which cannot receive a suffixed pronoun; this suffix is also used for a pronoun direct object of a verb which already has a pronoun indirect object, as inأعطيناهم أياه  ‘we gave it to them’ (“we gave them it”).

p. after the numerals from “ten” to “nineteen” plus the tens: the counted noun is accusative singular indefinite: اثنا عشر كتاباً ‘twelve books’, واحد وثلاثين يوماً ‘thirty-one days’

Particular constructions/ جلسوا متأملينَ اخبارذلك اليوم  وهم يتأملون ‘they sat contemplating the news of that day’ = ‘as they contemplated’

q. the quality or feature being compared in a comparative construction/اسم التفصيل:

زيد اصغر منه سناً واكبر منه عقلاً ‘Zaid is younger than he is (in years) and older in intelligence.’

r. accusative indefinite singular complement of كَم ‘how much? how many?’:تريد؟ كم ديناراً ‘how many dinars do you want?’; كم نهراً؟ ‘how many rivers?

 s. accusative of admiration: a definite accusative noun follows ما plus a Form IV verb based on a qualitative root gives the meaning “how…is…!”, as in ما اصعبَ ا الدرسَ ‘how hard this lesson is!’, based on the root of صعب ‘difficult’; ما اجمل لبنانَ ‘how beautiful Lebanon is!’

t. vocative noun as second term of an idafa: ما`l ماذا تفعل يا عبدَ الله؟ ‘what are you doing, Abdullah?’


الوطن العربي: موارده الطبيعية

السودان: من أغنى دول العالم وأشدها فقرا
واقع الأمن المائي في العالم العربي
بلقيس ملكة سبأ

اسم الفاعل  ‘Active Participle’

As you are aware, a word with the pattern  known as اسم الفاعل  may be a noun, such as

 عمّال- عامل qualities, such asناضج   ‘mature’, and may have the characteristics of a verb. This last, sometimes referred to as اسم فاعل يعمل عمل الفعل  ‘a participle with verbal force (henceforth APV)’, will be the subject of this note. We will discuss its  structure (what the constructions it occurs in consist of) and its functions (the role it plays in the sentence).

1.  خصائص اسم الفاعل      ‘properties of APV’

Like verbs, APV has tense and aspect (see Lesson 4, Grammar note 2), and, like the verb from which it is derived, it takes a subject and objects, may take a specific preposition,   and is modified in the ways verbs are modified (by adverbs and adverbial expressions of place, time, manner, degree, purpose, cause, specification, حال , absolute object, etc.).

Subject of APV.

Like a verb, an APV’s subject (actor or agent), which may be a noun phrase or clause, may precede or follow it. It normally precedes but it is known to follow in the following cases,

a. in interrogative sentences,

أقادم أخوك على هذه الطائرة؟     Is your brother returning on this plane?

b. in نعت سببي

المرأة الجالس ابنُها معها من بلدنا             The woman whose son sits next to her is from our country.

c. when the subject is a noun clause.

مستحيل ان نجيد لغة في مدّة قصيرة كهذه     It is impossible to master a language in such a short time.

Object of APV.

Like with the verb from which it is derived, the object may be a pronoun, a  noun, phrase or clause, direct or indirect, with or without a preposition. When the  object is a noun,

a. it may follow directly in the accusative case,

ابحثْ عن رجل لابسٍ قميصا ً ازرق       Look for a man wearing a blue shirt.

ليبيا من الدول المصدّرة بترولـَها الى امريكا.  Lybia is one of the countries that export its oil to America.

(the pronoun object is attached as a suffix),

لا يحترم  هذا الحزب ولا مشايعيه. He does not respect his party or its supporters.

If that object is a pronoun, and the APV is or has to be indefinite (as when it is حال ), the pronoun is attached to إيّا  

قال هذا الكلام محذ ّراً إيـّانا من عواقب الأمور            He said those words warning us of the consequences.

b. it may be preceded by the preposition  لِ

الكويت من الدول العربية المـُصدّرة للبترول              Kuwait is one of the Arab countries that export oil

c. it may follow as a مضاف اليه  in an اضافة  in which it serves as مضاف ,

دارسو اللغةِ العربية كلـّهم من الأجانب       Those who study Arabic are all foreigners.

It is important to note here that unlike adjectives,  an APV never takes its subject as its

مضاف اليه .

d. it  must be in the accusative if separated from the APV,

حضروا حاملين اليكم أخباراً  سارَة    They came carrying good news to you.

2. وظائف اسم الفاعل  ‘functions of APV’

APV may function as,

a. subject of a verbal sentence or of a verbal noun, and subject or predicate of a nominal sentence.يواجه دارسو اللغة العربية بعض المشاكل     Those who study Arabic face some problems.

قليلو الحظ كثيرون.     Those who are unlucky are numerous.

عودة حاملي الشهادات العالية لم تعد ممكنة.                The return of those who carry high degrees is no more possible.

b. object, object of a preposition, or object of a verbal noun

قابل حاملي جوازات السفر      He met those who carry passports.

ا    Get in touch with those who live in the neighborhood.

إهمال حاملي الشهادات العالية لم يعد ممكنا ً    Neglecting those who carry high degrees is no more possible.

c. as modifier of nouns, sometimes translated as relative clause

الجبال المحيطة بهذه القرى جبال عالية        The mountains surrounding those villages are high mountains.

البنت الصغيرة الماسك ابوها يدَها تتكلّم العربية           The young girl whose hand her father is holding speaks Arabic.

d. in expressions headed by  من التبعيضيةlike من الواجب ، من المستحيل  (see lesson 3, Grammar Note 1)

من المستحيل ان يكونوا غارقين في نومهم حتّى الآن. It is impossible that they are still deep in sleep until now.

e. as  حال

عاد حاملا ً رسالةً  من أخيه   He returned carrying a letter from his brother.

لغرض:      حروف جرّ مركـّبة ‘Compound Prepositionals’

Let us examine the last sentence in the Basic Text. A short version of it is as follows:

عقدت المؤتمرات … لغرض النموّ …

Breaking this down into simpler sentences, we come up with the following two sentences with the same meaning:

عقدت المؤتمرات … والغـَرَضُ من ذلك/غـَرَضُ  ذلك ( ايْ (من) عَقـْد المؤتمرات) النموّ ُ…  

What is happening here is that we are forming a prepositional phrase made of  لِ + غرض

( it can also be ب + غرض) to express the idea of ‘with the purpose of’. Of course, this is equivalent to saying بغرض انْ ينموَ  . The same happens in the case of:

لم يحضر الاجتماع بسبب مرضه (= بسبب أنّه مريض)   لم يحضر … وسبب ذلك مرضُه  =

He did not take the exam for the reason that he was sick or something like that.

This useful process, which is quite similar to English, takes place with a number of nouns like غرض and سبب . With انْ we have : بهدف أنْ ‘with the goal to/of’,  في سبيل أنْ ‘so that, in the interest of’, بشرط أنْ  ‘on the condition that’, and by extension, من غير أنْ ‘without’. With  انّwe have: على اساس أنّ ‘on he basis that’, بحُجـّة ِ أنّ ‘on the grounds that’, على فـَرضِ أنّ ‘on the assumption that’,   على اعتبار أنّ ‘considering, on the consideration that’, لدرجة أنّ  ‘to the extent that’ and others.


الطيب صالح
محمود عبد الوهاب
القصة في الأدب العربي الحديث

1. تراكيب وصفية متتابعة

This is a topic we dealt with earlier (see Lesson 2 Grammar Note 2). There are several constructions with  جمل وصفية  in this lesson, which will help us review this important construction.


لقب يدلّ على أهمّيّته

اوّل معهد أنشئ خارج الإطر الديني

In both of these cases, the pronoun that refers to the head noun (in bold) is the subject of the verb in   الجملتين الوصفيتين  (underscored).


عملان رئيسيان هما قاموسه … وموسوعته

Here  الجملة الوصفية  is an equational sentence which may not have occurred before, but which should present no problem; the resumptive pronoun is   هما  which is الجملة الوصفية   مبتدأ .

One more point. The head noun has two modifiers an adjective   رئيسيان   and a sentence  هما قاموسه … وموسوعته  , without a coordinator. This is very common in Arabic and is no stranger to English. In fact as we will see presently more than two such modifiers with no coordinator can occur. But first,

c يستند الى اسبابٍ منها التاريخ واللغة الخ   .

Here الجملة الوصفية   is an equational sentence whose predicate is a prepositional phrase, and the resumptive pronoun is attached to the partitive prep. من     . Hence the meaning of it: ‘reasons some of which are’.

Here are other examples:

صوتا   فيه  قوّةُ الرحمة

عُرف بخصائص منها حبّه لكلّ جديد

d. ألّف كتاباً عن باريس  عنوانه “الابريز …”  وصف فيه الحياة في فرنسا 

                  3                                  2            1

Here we have three modifiers to the head noun  كتاباً  .

(i)  عن باريس                             prep. phrase

(ii) عنوانه “الابريز”                     مضاف اليه ) resumptive pr. (مضاف +         ‘whose’

(iii) وصف فيه الحياة في فرنسا )resumptive pr. + prep.)                        ‘in which’

Here are other examples of multiple modifiers in a series

قبائل  متعدّدة  لكلّ منها رئيس يدعى الشيخ  يخضع له افراد القبيلة

سوق  قريبة  تدعى عكاظ   يبيعون فيها منتجاته

مدارس  ذات طابع دينيّ خاص   تسمّى كتاتيب   يعلّم فيها القرآن

ألّف كتاباً مشهورا عن باريس يقرأ ه كل من يهمّه الأمر  عنوانه “الابريز …”  وصف فيه الطهطاوي الحياة في فرنسا 

Notice that in addition to a series of modifiers for one head noun,  it is possible to have within modifying units nouns that are themselves head nouns and are modified. Thus,  the first sentence above then reads translates: (they were) numerous tribes to each of which there was a chief who was called “Sheik” and to whom every member of the tribe submitted.

A series of  modifiers of various kinds (such as ( صفة، نعت سببي، اسم فاعل  and a combination thereof without conjunctions can occur in attributive constructions, in predicates, and in جمل حالية, but not as مفعول لأجله.

Also, here are more examples of (i) above:

مدارس  للبنات 

شابّ  من مستواها

برامج  باللغة العربية

شغل مناصب من بينها منصب وزير التعليم                 positions among which is the position of Minister of

e. أعظم عمل قام به

The resumptive pronoun is attached to a preposition which is obligatory in Arabic and part of the collocation  قام ب  ; the corresponding English verb does not have it.

 امر آخر كنت داعياً من دعاته

Any problem? Can you come up with 2 sentences having structures like d. and e.  ?

. مُنْذُ/مُذْ

Like other adverbials of time and place  مُنْذُ  )and its less commonly used  form (مُذْ is used as a preposition, followed by a noun or noun phrase, or a conjunction, followed directly by a sentence or a noun clause مؤوّل   مصدر   . Like   حيثُ  it is  indeclinable. As head of its adverbial construction, it is used by itself (i.e. no preposition precedes or follows it) and follows the main clause it modifies, though it may precede it.

1. منذ    as a preposition

As a preposition,  منذ  can be followed by a verb-initial sentence carries the meaning of ‘since’, ‘from a certain period of time until now’, ‘ago’/‘at a certain point in time’, as well as ‘from this time on’, depending on the context.

منذ عصر الجاهلية                                  since pre-Islamic times

منذ تأسيسها                                              since their founding

منذ سنوات عديدة اسكن هنا                            I’ve lived here for many years.

كنت اسكن هنا منذ عشرين عاماً       I was living here twenty years ago.

سكنت هنا منذ سنة 1960 وحتى سنة 1980       I lived here from 1960 to 1980.

سأبدأ بالمشروع منذ الآن                               I will begin the project, as of now.

2.  منذ   as a conjunction

مُنْذُ   can be followed by a verb initial sentence جملة فعلية  , or a noun clause headed by  أنْ مصدر مؤوّل , with the verb in the perfect. In both cases, they can be replaced with a مصدر صريح  ‘verbal noun’  

لم نَذُق طعم النوم منذ (انْ) وصلنا = منذ وصولنا  We haven’t slept a wink (lit. tasted sleep) since we arrived/our arrival.

منذ (ان) بدأ القرن = منذ بدء القرن                   since the century began (the beginning of the century).

الانسان منذ (انْ)  وُجد لا يعرف معنى الحُرّيّة      Man, ever since he was created,  has not known freedom.

3.  منذ ….. و ….. 

As indicated above, the construction with   منذ   may also occur at the beginning of a sentence. As such, a striking feature is that it may be followed by a clause introduced by a و . Observe this sentence from the Basic Text:

ومنذ ذلك الحين وهي تحاول تشجيع …              Since that time, they have been tying to encourage …

The implication here is “time went by since that time, with them (the governments) all the while trying to encourage …”, which would suggest that the  و   is واو الحال  ‘the circumstantial  و ’ .

2. معاني ما

You may well have come across the word ما in your reading and not been sure what it means; there are actually a number of different words spelled and pronounced ما with different meanings. Here are the most common:

1. النافية ما  ‘negative ما ’ ‘not’

    (1) ما النافية is used to negate a perfect verb though it is more common in MSA to use لم followed by the jussive. It however is frequently used to negate the perfect ofكان  or one of its sisters:

        ما كان صاحب مصنع. ‘He was not a factory owner.’

            ما زال شابّا صغير السن     

ما كِدنا نبدأ حتّى سمعنا صراخا

It should be noticed, though,  that in a conditional sentence with  لو  occurring in first position,  the perfect verb in  جواب الشرط  ‘apodosis’ cannot be negated with لم  but obligatorily with ما :

لو عرفت ذلك لما زرته في بيته             If I had known that, I would not have visited him in his home.

b. It is used, though rarely, to negate the imperfect indicative, but once again it very commonly negates the indicative of كان  and its sisters and of كاد :

ما تزال مدينة القدس من اهمّ المدن المقدّسة عند المسلمين

ما تكاد تقرّر الزواج حتّى تغيّر رأيَها

c. It is used to negate an equational sentence; the predicate here is optionally introduced by بِ

ما هم كاذبون او ما هم بكاذبين.         They are not lying.

It is so used when combined with   الا ‘except’, where it means ‘only’

and with an equational sentence with inverted order (predicate-subject);

 ما هي الا بنت صغيرة

ما له ايّ ُ عذر

It is so used when combined with   الا ‘except’, where it means ‘only’,

and with an equational sentence with inverted order (predicate-subject);

 ما هي الا بنت صغيرة

ما له ايّ عذر

ما بيدنا حيلة

When followed by  من  and an indefinite noun like  لا of absolute negation, , it has the meaning of ‘none at all’, ‘no … whatsoever’, ‘absolutely none’:

ما من انسان مستعد ٍّ ان يفعل ذلك

ما من مبرِّر لهذه الأوضاع

d. It is used in idiomatic constructions like ما إنْ…حتى ‘no sooner…than…’  and ما هي الا…حتى… ‘it was only…before…’:

  ما ان وصل الى اوربا حتى وقعت الحرب.        ‘No sooner had he arrived in Europe than war broke out.’

         وما هي الا لحظات حتى عرف انه يحبها. ‘It was only a few moments before he realized that h loved her.’

2. ما الاستفهامية ‘Interrogative ما’ ‘what?’

    a. ما here is an interrogative pronoun which pronoun which asks a question about a thing (in contrast to مَن which asks a question about a person) and may serve as subject or predicate in an equational sentence:

       ما النتيجة؟ ‘What is the result?’

       ما اسمك؟ ‘What is your name?’

       ما هذا؟ ‘What is this?’ (here the subject is هذا.) 

As such it is often followed by the 3rd person pronoun which is always singular, masculine or feminine, especially when the following noun is definite:

ما هي النتيجة؟ ‘What is the result?’

ما هو الفرق بين هذين الحزبين؟  ‘What is the difference between these two parties

ما هي الكلمات التي تعلّمناها اليوم؟ ‘What are the words we learned today’

Note that: as the subject or object of a verb مادا is used:   

      مادا جرى؟ ‘What happened?’       مادا تريد؟ ‘What do you want?          

In this case, a relative clause with  الذي is also often used:

ما الذي جعلك تـُقدم على هذا العمل؟  ‘What made you undertake this work?

ما الذي قاله لك في غرفته؟ ‘What did he say to you in his room?

ما , and more commonly  ماذا , may refer to a person when enquiring or wondering as to his position or nature, in the sense of ‘who might he be’:

انا استاذ ومربّي ولكن في الحقيقة ماذا أنا؟                     I am a professor and an eduction, but truly what am I?

b. As a question word, ما may serve as object of preposition, in which case is written combined with the preposition and the ’alif  اis usually shortened to  ـَ  فـَــتـْحة

        عمّ تبحثون؟ ‘What are you searching for?’

الامَ  (  +    الى ما) ‘to what?’                 علام‘on what?’                     بِمَ      ‘in what?’                                    لِمَ  ‘for what?’                                         مِمَّ  ‘from what?’                عَمَّ ((عن + ما ‘about what?’  

فيمَ ‘in what?’

عَمَّ تبحثون؟ ‘What are you searching for?’

ما however, does not form compounds with prepositionals like  عندَ ، بعدَ ، فوقَ الخَ, nor is it used as an interrogative with them.

c. Interrogative ما as well as مَن and ماذا are used in indirect questions:

سألني ما هو الشعر الحرّ؟         He asked me what free verse was.

أتعرف ماذا تريد انْ تفعل؟        Do you know what you want to do?

3. ما الاسم الموصول ‘Relative ما’    

   The indefinite relative pronoun ما includes its own antecedent: ‘that which; what’(See Lesson 2 Grammar Note 3   and Lesson 3 Grammar Note 5):

    اشترينا ما كنا في حاجة اليه   We bought what we were in need of.

خذ ما (هو) في جيبي         Take what is in my pocket.

ما لي لك وما لك للأولاد         What I have is yours and what is yours belongs to the children

    باعوا كلَّ ما أنتجوا  ‘They sold all that they produced.’

ندفع الآن ثمن ما نفعل(ه)    We are paying the price of what we did.

A couple of points, observed in these sentences and others, concerning relative ما are worth repeating at this point:

1) Pronouns and verbs that agree with ما are in the m.s.

2) As is the case with other relatives, the referent pronoun in the relative clause is most often dropped:

 a) when it is subject of a nominal clause and the predicate is a prepositional phrase. To the above examples, one might add the words بعد ، قبل ، عند ، بين  :

انتظر الى ما بعد غروب الشمس

يعود تاريخه الى ما قبل الميلاد

حكم ما بين العامين 1952 و1970

b) when it is object of the verb in the relative clause as in the 4th and 5th examples above.

b. relative ما is often governed by prepositions such as في ، ب ، الى ، من ، عن (and in the case of من و عن the ن is assimilated to the م ):

اخبرني عمّا جرى لك أثناء زيارتك        Tell me what happened to you during your visit.

لا تتدخّل فيما لا يعنيك     Don’t poke your nose in what does not concern you.

اشار الى ما قاله الرئيس        He referred to what the president said.

c. Often relative ما will follow an indefinite accusative adjective of extent or degree like كثيرا  or a noun like عادةً and the whole phrase is best translated as an adverb:

قليلا ما نذكر اسمه          We seldom mention his name.

كثيرا ما رأيته يعمل مساءً     I have often seen him working in the evening.’

غالباً ما يكتب لي بالفرنسية     He mostly writes me in French.

الانسان أحيانا ً ما ينسى ماضيَه        Man often times forgets his past.

سرعان ما انتقل من موضوع الى آخر      He in no time moved from one subject to another.

    Or, how quickly he moved from …

These adjectives or nouns can be looked at as predicates of an underlying  كان or  حدث ‘happen, occur’ which has been elided.

d. Relative  ما  follows a number of prepositions, prepositionals, or nouns such as بِ  in بِما ‘because’, كَ  in كما ‘same as, just as’, بينَ as in بينما ‘while’, حينَ as in حينَما ‘when’, مثلَ as in مثلـَما ‘like’ and others (for which see Lexical Note 3 in this lesson) to function as subordinating conjunctions,  with which ما  is spelled either as one word like بينما or two in others like قدر ما:

بينما كنت أسير في احد الشوارع رأيت منظرا ً ازعجني   While walking in one of the streets I saw something that upset me.

سنحاول مساعدتَه قدر ما نستطيع     We will try to help him as much as we can.

     e. Relative ما  occurs in idioms where it is annexed to a verb, always in the 3m.s. such as قلـَّما ‘seldom, rarely’ , which is followed by a verb in the perfect or in the indicative, and طالما ‘as long as’, which may be followed by a verb in the perfect, by a nominal sentence, or by أنّ:

هذه كلمات طالما سمعته يردّده         These are words I have often heard him repeat.

سازوره طالما هو هنا   I will visit him for as long as he is here.

ستستمرّ المفاوضات طالما أنّ الطرفين متعاونان  The negociations will continue as long as the two sides are cooperating.

  قلـّما نجدُ امثال هؤلاء الناس            It is rare to find the likes of these people.

   قلّما يسرن في المدينة ليلا ً              Rarely do ladies walk downtown at night.

f. Finally, relative ما and مَن , followed and preceded by the same form of a verb, are used as a rhetorical device to indicate the indefinite nature of the action and/or the subject, as can be seen in the following examples:

قيل ما قيل

عاش من عاش ومات من مات

رأينا ما رأينا

Adverbial constructions with the relative pronoun  ما:  ريثما، وقتما، لاسيّما، طالما، قلّما، نادراً ما، كثيراً ما، قليلاً ما، اوّلَ ما، غالباً ما، ربّما، ايَّما، حالما، بقدرِ ما، كلّما، بينَما، فيما، عندما؟، بعدما، اذا ما،

4. ما المصدرية ‘Nominalizing   ما

Nominalizing ما introduces a clause, and serves to convert the clause into a nominal that is, an element having the functions of a noun.  .  Such a nominalized clause can serve also as a subject or object of a verb or object of a preposition or مضاف اليه (See Lesson 9 Grammar Note 1):

  سلاها ما قاله تسلية عظيمة ‘What he said consoled her immensely.’

نعرف كل ما قلت لها ‘We know everything that you told her.’    

بعدما وصل قابلوه بكل اكرام ‘After he arrived they received him with all honor.’

Nominalizing ما plus a verb is equivalent to a verbal noun:

  1.   بعد ما وصلوا‘ after they arrived’

بعد وصولهم      ‘after their arrival’

5. ما الشرطيّة ‘conditional ما’ ‘whatsoever’

 The verb following  ما الشرطية and the verb in the result clause may be perfect or jussive, usually rendered into English as present:

ما يزرعْه الانسان يحصدْه    Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap.

A number of words or particles are followed by   ما    and have conditional meaning. These include: مهما ‘whatever’, كيفما ‘however’, اينما ‘wherever’, كلـّما ‘as often as, every time that’, حيثما ‘wherever’ ايّما ‘whatsoever’ and others. These behave like conditional  ما, but unlike it, may be postposed, that is follow the main clause. In this latter case, the verb may be perfect of jussive, but is often used in the indicative in MSA. In addition, the result clause with these words may be introduced by  فَ or فإنّ 

كلـّما رأيتها شعرت بالسعادة الكاملة      Whenever I see her I feel perfectly happy.

اينما رأيتـَه  وجدتَه/ تجدْه/ تجدُه/ فإنّك تجدُه  مبتسما ً        Wherever you see him, you will find him smiling.

مهما وجدوا من مَشَقّة فانهم سينجحون.        Whatever hardship they will find, they will succeed.

 مهما يكن من الأمر فالوضع سيتغيّر. Be it as it may/whatever the case may be, the  situation  will change.

When postposed,  ما resumes its indefinite relative pronoun function:

يحصدُ الإنسان ما يزرعـُه                                        

6. ما الكافـّة  ‘the hindering  ما’

When attached to إنّ  or أنّ  the noun that follows is no more put in the accusative but is in the nominative; it usually suggests a restrictive meaning. Thus:

انـَّما الشيطانُ عدو ٌّ لدود للانسان     Truly, the devil is (or is nothing but) a deadly  enemy to man.

This same ما  when suffixed to كأنّ ولكنّ   has the same effect.

7. ما الديمومة ‘Durative ما’ ‘as long as’ ‘Durative ما’ ‘as long as’

This occurs with a verb in the perfect tense:

ما دام حياً ‘as long as he is alive’

س  I will stay at home so long as the situation does not dictate otherwise.

قام بواجبه ما استطاع الى ذلك سبيلا ً      I performed his duty sor as long as he was able to

But it can also be followed by a nominal clause:

لن تحلّ َ المشكلة ما الأوضاع علي ما هي

سأواصل الاتّصال بك ما انت هنا

Durative ما occurs in well  known expressions such as:

الى ما شاء الله        for ever and ever, for all time

الى ما لا نهاية         ad infinitum, endlessly

8. ما التعجبية ‘Exclamatory ما’ ‘how…!’

This is followed by an invariable Form IV verb (called by Arab grammarians as  افعال التعجّب ‘verbs of wonderment’) based on an adjectival root (this is called an “adjectival verb”) plus an object in the accusative (it is precisely because of this that Arab grammarians consider it a verb) :

ما اجملـَها                   How beautiful she is!

ما اروعَ هذا الشعرَ           How splendid this poem is!

Instead of an object, an indefinite noun following  مِن البيانية ‘explanatory مِن’ (see Lesson 3 Grammar Note 5       ) is sometimes used. Thus the second example may be seen as:

ما أروَعَه من شعرٍ معاصر                                     How splendid a contemporary poem it is (lit. how splendid it is of a contemporary poem(

The object may take the form of a  مصدر مؤوّل ب “أن” ‘:

ما أصعب أن يعيش الانسان بعيدا ً عن أهله                  How difficult it is for a man to live away from his family!

It may also take the form of a relative clause headed by the relative pronoun  ما followed by noun clause with ‘an:

ما اسرع ان يرحّب البدويّ بالزائر وما أكثر ما يقدّمُ له الطعام والشراب

How quick is the Bedouin in welcoming a guest and how often he offers him food and drink.

9.او ما الإبهام   ما المبهمة ’Indefinite ما’ ‘one, some, a certain; ever’  

 (1) It follows an indefinite noun where, if nunated, the /n/ of its nunation assimilates to the /m/ as in:

        يوماً ما ‘one day, some day’              الى حدٍ ما ‘to a certain extent’ 

        لسببٍ ما ‘for some reason or other’   في مقالةٍ ما ‘in some article or other’

which are pronounced: yawmam maa, Haddim maa, sababim maa, and maqaalatim maa.

10. ما الزائدة ‘ Redundant ما / This ما is called “redundant” because it may be omitted without altering the basic meaning of the phrase. It occurs after the particle إذا as in إذا (ما) ذهبت ‘if you go’ (which suggests more vagueness), after only a few words as in عن قريب’soon’ vs. عمّا قريب ‘(pretty) soon’, and after  دون   as in:

فعل ما طـُلب منه دونما اعتراض      ‘He did what he was asked to do without objection’.

11. ما also appears in combination with other forms, such as:

كما ‘as, just as, and also’ and كما ان ‘as, just as’ (for which see Lesson 5 Lexical Note 4). For ما…مِن and ممّا see Lesson 3 Grammar Note 3 and Lesson 5 Lexical Note 5, respectively).